179332 tn?1273247359

Allergic to Blood Pressure Meds

I've been going thru quite a time - turning up allergic to 5 BP meds as of today... scared to take next one prescribed!! I've been to an Allergist this past week for skin testing... but, does anyone else suffer from BP med allergies? I get itchy all over, cheeks swell, face puffs a bit and face and neck turns bright red...Help!
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I have a family history of food allergies, and react to several "fillers" in pills. After talking to my allergist, I find this is quite common in people with food allergies, especially corn, wheat, beef, pork, yeast, eggs. The more pills I take the more reactions. I experimented with trying OTC medications in pill vs. capsule and started reading the inactive ingredients on the labels. Turns out, I'm severely allergic to corn. Check out all of the chemicals made from corn in the US: http://www.cornallergens.com/list/corn-allergen-list.php. Get an allergy test for all the inactive ingredients in your pills, and the plants/animals they are derived from. If the allergy is bad enough, your insurance should pay for a compounding pharmacy. They can make pills or liquids for you that have the medication without the fillers you are allergic to.

Hope this helps!
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I have swollen lips and it is horrible. Took atenonol and norvasc for over 12 years with no problems. Changed insurance carriers in Jan. and same meds sent but from new manufacturers. Suddenly got hives and stopped norvasc, hives went away. 2 months later my lips started to chap, then bleed and are now swollen. I will try Benadryl. Are you feeling better? What are you taking?

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Yes....I have now been allergic to 5 BP meds.  There is some ingredient in them that cuts my breath off and two made me itch....I don't know what to do!
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I've had the rash and swelling in the feet and ankles too and I have been diagnosed as allergic to HCTZ, lasix, amlodipine, losartan, verapamil, hydralazine . . . the list is growing all the time.  Most of the allergies seem to be related to sulfa.  Do you have an allergy to sulfa?
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I too is experiencing the same, So far I have tried Atenolol, Benazepril, Amplodipine, Metoprolol, Losartan, Hydroclorothizide with allergic reactions. From swelling, burning feeling, hives and blisters on my face, wheezing, got burning feeling in my tongue too just like being scalded. My doctor told me to stop all BP meds and just do exercise and salt-free diet  but my BP shot up without the meds,  felt dizzy and wobbly. I take Allegra for the allergy during the day and Benadryl at night. It took a month and a half for my allergy sympton to clear, the hives and swelling and burning feeling. Because of this I am stressed out and anxious, adding to the high blood pressure. Any solution to this problem anyone? Please share!
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Well it's been another year going to dermatologist and still no answer to my itching I'm on 4 antihistamine a day with no change is it safe to go off bp tablets thinking of doing that now
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