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Allergic to everything?

I had allergy skin testing done and found I am allergic to basically everything- mold, dust, pollen, tress, cats, dogs, etc.  I am going back to the dr. to go over results.  Anyone else allergic to this many things?  What is your treatment?  I am constantly stuffy and haave major post nasal drip and yucky taste in my mouth...anyone else experience this?  Also, can untreated allergies cause you to have no energy and feel fatigued? Thanks for any input!
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I used to be allergic to everything. When I was little I had to watch what I was around and what I ate. If I put a pickle to my mouth my lip would swell up and I would be covered head to toe in rashes, same with onion dip or food that had alot of salt in it. I couldn't mix alot of foods either. I was hospitablized for eating a pizza and drinking a pepsi with it. I couldn't go to the park or be around grass, plants or tress much because I would start iching, aching and have rashes over my body. I was allergic to ALL antibiotics so when I was sick, I was sick. I just had to take benadryl every morning and every night. But thankfully I grew out of it.
I hope all goes well for you.
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my 2 year old daughter is allgeric to everything and i am having a hard time finding things that she and eat does anyone have any suggestions or even a web sight that i can go to???
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You need to talk to your allergy specialist in detail about this. If you are allergic to many substances immunotherapy would not help in your case

It would be best for you to try and avoid the substances that you are allergic to, and also to take oral antihistamine and antiallergic medications for your symptoms.

You also need to talk to your doctor and rule out sinusitis as that causing or aggravating your allergy symptoms.

Steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and breathing exercises should help with some of your symptoms. Apply calamine lotion at the sites of the rash.

Let us know how you are doinga nd what your doctor advises.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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