509215 tn?1363535823

Allergic to sunscreen!

I have a question about being allergic to sunscreen. A few months ago, I decided to try to start using sunscreen to protect my face from the sun. I tried "Coppertone oil free facial sunscreen" over a few weeks time. Right from the start,I had itchiness. After a few days of using it, I noticed a burning feeling on my cheeks. I stopped using it for a few days, then tried it again, thinking it might have been the makeup I was using along with it. So I used it by itself, and still got the same reaction, only this time, my eyes swelled up and watered to the point, that I couldn't see. I can't really use makeup either, as it makes my face itchy. I also have eczema all over. I guess my question is this....am I allergic to every sunscreen on the market and are they all made the same? Is there anything I can do to help protect my face from the sun? I have started wearing a ball cap. How do I know what I can use? My doctor says that if you have a reaction to one, you'll have reaction to all of the sunscreens on the market. Is this true?  Is this reaction because of the eczema or just an allergy or both? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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You would need to take your sunscreen and makeup with you when going to allergologist. Skin tests can show to which exact substance you are allergic to; if you have an allergy you will get reaction to all products containing that exact substance. Before knowing an exact substance, you can't say is it in all sunscreens or not.

Not every reaction to a skin product is an allergy, though.
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hi iv just recentily returned form a sun holidays, last year was my 1st time on a sun holiday i broke out in a rash, my skin went red and itchy, my eyes were sore, red and itchy and i burn very easily so this year i was given heat rash tablets by my gp. The rash cleared in most areas of my body but i still had a rash on my hands and neck. My face felt all lumpy and sandy, my eyes went very sore, red, and itchy and watered alot. My skin all over my body went very red and itchy and i burned in patches. iv tryed lots of different sunblocks spf 50 nd stil get all of these conditions. Could i be allergic to sunblock????Help:)
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