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Allergic to titanium?

Allergic to titanium? I have had three knee replacements, one a cement/antibiotic one. I am in constant pain and my leg has red spots on the aria of the knee replacement and is always wormer then the other leg. Now I have developed a severe allergy in my sinus, with the tubes plug and water on one ear. No one can tell me what I am allergic to. I read many people having the idea of allergies to titanium and I have read that the medical community say it not possible. The last two night I have had a temperature of 101, that comes and goes.
my meds are:
Mometasone Furoate 50 mcg 120d nasal
Loratadine 10mg
Rifampin 300 mg cap
my Gatofloxacin was discontinued by the VA
replaced with ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day.
Are you sure that there are no allergies to knee replacements  jeff graham
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I have rods in my neck, titanium pin in my shoulder and the 3years ago my ankle fused with multiple screws, then a plate in my wrist.  I've developed a itchy rash mainly on my legs.  All dermatologist say it is a form of dermatitis.  Nothing relieves the itching and rashes.  I go to bed every night with ice packs.  That seems to be the only real relief I can get.  Can anyone help.
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Hello Simba,

this is Guenter from Germany.
Sad to hear about your situation but it sounds familiar!
Unfortunately I am nearly in the same situation since I received an artificial disc (Prodisc L)  12 years ago.
My symptoms started 4,5 month after the operation.

I suffer from:

- Severe chronic fatigue
- problems with concentration
- headache
- cold sweat
- panik attacks
- foggy head and dizzyness/swindle

So I would like to know the name of your "product".
Please let me know, if you have the "Prodisc" and when did they put the disc in your body.
It would be very kind if we could stay in contact.

best wishes, Günter

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I have had 13 surgeries in my spine. They have used titatium screws and rods from the t-12 down to l-3. My body swells up all over I cant breathe. My legs swell up so bad I have headaches and severe muscle spasms there getting to go in and put cement in where all my screws are and replace the screws back in the cement. My bones are so thin from osteoporosis that the screws are staying in place. Does anyone know if this will work before I let them cut me up again. I cant take much more. The pain is so bad. I need advise.
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I had an artificial disc c4-c5 about 9 months after surgery. I started developing muscle twitches, fatigue, muscles ache, I can hardly walk or move at times. Severe anxiety and heart palpitations. I have had every test you could imagine. One doctor says I have Lupus and another doctor says I don't. I also had my gallbladder removed and now deal with severe stomach issues. which has a clip where they removed the gall bladder. I asked my spine doctor if I could be allergic to titanium and he said there is hardly anyone allergic to titanium, he also informed me that there was nickel in the implant also. None of these issues started until after my neck surgery. prior to this surgery I was very active and healthy. Now I can't even leave my home. Any suggestions?
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Have you had an allergy test done?  My implants have been bothering me for over 7 1/2 years, and finally a doctor agreed that I needed the test.  I was deemed SEVERLY ALLERGIC to titanuim.  The this that is infuriating to me is that the doctors do not believe the amount of pain I am in.  I know what you are going through with the feeling useless, worthless, and disbelieved by everyone.  I hope that all goes better for you!  Please have the test as soon as possible if you can.
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I had surgery and they put clips in me...the doctor who put them in didn't believe I was reacting...said no one does....well he was wrong...went to this doctor...and my whole life went back to normal...I was so sick when they were in...go read my story on July 2011...but any way this doctor said to refer to him to remove them...he is truly one of the best...Dr. Tiesenga...Elmwood park ,Illinois....708-453-6800...he will help you...he is a great guy...good luck  Linda
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