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Allergic to yeast

Ever since I gave birth to my child (i was pumped up with antibiotice due to Group B Strep)  I can not drink even one beer with out becoming so ill i cant move, sometimes throwing up, cant hold down water, headaches, major fatigue, and this is even with one beer but I am fatigue all the time. I get sick too when i eat breads, sugars but of course i love those foods. Do I need to do a candita cleanse? Is there a perscription that will help, I dont care to dronk but i really would like to clean out my body if i have too much candita in it. Is there a good cleanse anyone knows of? Thank you so very much, Brandie
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
There is a possibility that you are intolerant to gluten (Celiac disease). This gluten is found in malted barley, which is used to make beer and some hard ciders. Some beer also contains wheat. Other beverages sometimes made from wheat, rye, and barley include vodka, whiskey, gin and bourbon. The fact that you are also intolerant to bread and sugars, especially after taking beer, goes more in favor of gluten allergy.
There are many types of beer which use a different base like potato or rice. You could try them. Try these. If you can take these without problem then probably this is what you have. You should discuss this possibility with your doctor.
Some beer and breads also contain sulfites. You could be having an allergy to sulfites. Beer and breads use yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. You could be allergic to this yeast. Yes, you are right about antibiotics making one susceptible to candida infection. However your symptoms do not point towards it. They point towards an allergic reaction more and if you have mold allergy then you are a likely candidate for yeast allergy.
Please discuss this with your doctor. You may need to consult an allergy specialist. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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That is so helpful. Thank you so much, I will be discussing it with my doctor for sure as I really havent before because I never really thougth of it till yesterday. I was just put on a antibiotic called Sulfamethoxazole for a kidney infection and for a skin infection (a bug bite of some kind). Does it contain sulfates? Could you know what the reactions would be if it was to sulfates?

Very Thankful
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Sulfites, sorry, not sulfates. Please disregard my last entry post.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Yes, some sulfamethoxazole preparations contain sulfites. So if you are allergic to sulfites, taking this drug will also cause side effects. These include flushing, rapid heartbeat, hives, wheezing, dizziness, stomach upset, diarrhea, collapse, tingling or difficulty swallowing.
Hope this helps. Take care!
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