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Allergies: Are we just prisoners

Most people who suffer from "allergies" appear to have all the same issues.  They stay indoors, take tons of meds,  and blame most things on being "allergic" to something or another.  Allergies are an autoimmune type of illness aren't they.  I may have the wrong work but what I mean is that our bodies are overreacting to something which shouldn't hurt us......is this correct.  I think I have an answer to most of the allergies out there.  Tell the body to stop acting like a flakey nurse;  quit "enabling"  your body to do these things with medications,  dare the body with being around those those called allergens, stay outdoors as much as possible.  

"Sick" indoor environments without outside air flowing in cause more problems that all the pollen in the world.  All of these non-opening window buildings,  supposedly able to keep out all allergens and cold/heat, plus the homes which are sealed up year round,  or even just in the winter, are the real culprits.  Ever wonder why most "cold" occur in the winter.  (Nosebleeds, stuffy noses,  dripping noses,  etc.....)  The reason is the dry dusty''unreal' atmosphere of  our homes and work places.  In the early spring and even late spring we think all the pollen causes "hay fever".  No!!!!  It is our inability to adjust to normal conditions outdoors after being stuck in sealed homes and businesses all winter.  

The 2nd worst culprit seems to be how we can't put up with a scratchy nose or eyes or a dripping nose for a couple days.  We take all of these meds and showing the body that it is ok to go overboard and sure enough,  the body over-reacts just like we did.  

I would like to present this discussion.  Try this approach:  (I know the makers of all these drugs like Parano,  Blah Blah, Youshould,  and Docsrep  would like you to take these meds but),   stop the meds first, and I mean all meds including "excedrine pm or anything with benedryl or its generic diphen products. Do not take anything   unless it is aspirin,  tylenol, or ibuprophen for things like headaches.  Keep a positive attitude.  Talk to yourself.  Be your own cheer leader.  Tell your body what "you" want and what is going to happen with you being the boss.

5 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
I'm guessing you don't have to deal with allergies or a science degree ..... take a general introduction to biology course that covers the immune system and you'll see why "ignoring" the allergies isn't possible.

I dealt with my cat allergies with antihistamines for 4 years, then they stopped working.  I was miserable but ignored the symptoms and tried to work through them.  My marks tanked (almost ruining my chance to become a vet), I was irritable to my family, coworkers and friends and lost a couple good friends.  What did I get from this?  Asthma, because I "ignored" my asthma and allowed my body to work up an even stronger response to the allergen.  

There is a way to desensetivive your body to allergens, it's called immunotherapy or allergy shots.  Worked wonders for me, they are almost all gone now after 1 year of weekly shots.  However, the complication of asthma is not going away, I am still on maximum daily inhaled steroids and probably will be for the rest of my life.  I wish I didn't ignore my allergies and found a medication that worked instead.  

Please take it very seriously when you stop taking any medication to try anything that isn't scientific proven to help.
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207091 tn?1337709493
I actually tried this a few years ago - stopped all the allergy meds.  Wow what a mistake.  Not only did I feel miserable, but symptoms actually got worse and harder to deal with.

I can see in theory how it might work - I am all for the power of positive thinking, but I have a biochemical reaction to things that even positive thinking won't cure.  

I have long ago accepted that I will be on meds for a lifetime, and I'm really ok with that.  If I had diabetes, I'd be on insulin and would take that without complaining (much), so why are allergies different?  I also bet no one would be trying to say that positive thought powers would cure my diabetes, either.

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168348 tn?1379357075
Respectfully, I beg to differ and feel compelled to remind anyone who has an allergic reaction to anything to take it seriously and consult with a doctor.  Anaphylaxis can occur from any type of true allergic reaction.  So without your physcian's approval, please do not stop taking your anthistimane if recommended by your doctor.

Autoimmune responses can be severe leading to asthma and other complications.  It's more than a mere sniffle or feeling uncomfortable for a few days for most who suffer from seasonal allergies.  Reactive Airway Disease is one complication.

Avoiding allergins is key - but what about those who live year round not experiencing vast climate changes in the winter and still have allergies?

I'm all for an elimination diet if ok with one's doctor or a challenge during pollen season if ok with one's doctor but a patient who tests + via skin or RAST testing can have serious complications from that sniffle or itchy eye you describe and can turn deadly without being properly controlled by medication.

We welcome you to our community, but based on scientific premise, there's more to allergies that is way more complex than you've describe and can be much more serious than meets an "itchy eye" or "sniffling nose".

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""The 2nd worst culprit seems to be how we can't put up with a scratchy nose or eyes or a dripping nose for a couple days.  ""

Oh I'd love to merely have scratchy eyes or nose...

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1278060 tn?1271108913
Christy107 you don't how difficult it is to deal with allergies. The scratchy nose or eyes or a dripping nose is just the beginning of the problem.  When I have a bad allergy attach I start heaving. It is not exactly something that I can ignore. I am just fortunately that my blood gases are not affected, thus the attaches won't kill me.

I have tried many natural and unnatural cures.  Replaced mercury fillings and changed my diet.  Gone to Allergist, MD, Pulmonary Dr, Homoeopathic, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor.  Still hoping something will help me to keep it under control.  Not expecting a cure.
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