560272 tn?1311350293

Allergies, Anxiety, or Acid Reflux?

I am so confused on what I could have. 10 yrs ago I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and acid reflux, took some med and was better. Never really had an issue since-even through pregnancies. I also have severe anxiety and panic disorder, diagnosed with that also 10 yrs ago. I've never really had allergies, but for some reason this spring I've been sneezing, itchy eyes, itchy ears, drainage in throat, sore throat, and my throat feel swollen or like it could close. I also have Eczema on my ears and scalp, and have since a child. I've had these allergies for 2 months now. I've tried eliminating wheat, dairy, and sugar....which doesn't help much. I've tried Hyland's Allergy and Sinus, which hasn't helped much. I don't have insurance so a doctor visit isn't exactly affordable. And I'm terrified of trying something OTC for allergies, fearing a reaction. I've also tried Rolaids in case it was reflux (I am also overweight), but those didn't help. I'm on no medicine for my anxiety.
My main problem with my symptoms is the throat thing, I can look at it and see it's not swelling shut, but it still feels like it is, or maybe I'm fearing it will? Which scares the **** out of me. I also see clear drainage and what I call "slime" on it. The things I've tried hasn't gotton rid of it and it's driving me insane. I'm scared to leave my house, scared to eat, scared to sleep, scared to try OTC meds, scared to go to a doctor, etc.........in fear that my throat is going to swell up or feel that way while I'm away from home. I've dealt with this everyday, all day, for 2 months now.....and I'm exhausted. Help?
5 Responses
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560272 tn?1311350293
Also needed to add:
I do burp alot, and do get mild heartburn from time to time. But nothing severe.
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So, you are not interested in consulting a doctor as you won't be able to afford for it. What you can do is, start with 1 tablet cetrizine twice daily for 15 days. If it doesn't help, please let me know.
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560272 tn?1311350293
What is cetrizine?
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Cetrizine is an anti-histaminic.
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560272 tn?1311350293
Ahhhh ok, I would have already tried a non-drowsy one, but I am terrified to try new meds. Fearing, they will harm me more than help me. :(
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