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red, bumpy, itchy bite like things...

At first, I thought that maybe I had bed bugs. I was getting bite, and only noticing it when I woke up, I searched and searched about them, and come to find out, I have no bed bugs, not to mention, my husband wasn't getting bit. Well, Ive been getting bites on my stomach.. on my legs. they look like mosquito bites.... but they aren't. they itch like crazy. and after about a day or so, they go away... ??Im puzzled??    do i have some kind of bug in my skin that bites me?? Im a clean person. Help!! I feel like im going crazy
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This could be folliculitis, acne, pimples, fordyce spots or genital warts or due to frictional trauma.

Nothing can be said with surety without having a look at the lesions and a clinical examination.

Do you have any other associated symptoms?

You should keep the areas clean and maintain good personal hygiene.

Let us know about what your doctor advises and post us about any other doubts that you might have.

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I have the same thing and I thought first I had bed bugs. But I first noticed the red bumps on my genital, under the crown of my penis head and also on the foreskin. Then on my scrotum and later red bumps showed up on my shoulder, then on the right side of my body, then a couple on my left arm, and my thigh. They don't itch that much tho. So I applied tea tree oil, neosporin, and another ointment for poison ivy. As of now, the bumps are still visible but not itching. I am most concerned the bumps on my genital area since I have been sexually active with unprotected sex. But I have not had sex the last 3wks and that's where the bumps started showing up. I guess it's safer if I go see a doctor for this.
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This could be an allergic reaction to some unknown substance or dermatitis or eczema or insect bites.

You need to wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites, use a medicated sunscreen whenever you go out.

Apply calamine lotion at the site of the lesions and see if it helps. You could take some oral antihistamine medications like cetrizine or loratadine.

It would be advisable to consult a skin specialist for your symptoms and a proper clinical examination.

Let us know if you need any other information and post us on how you are doing.

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i am having the same thing. i have looked up picture of bites from bed bugs and bed mites, too. the bite look like they could be from bed bugs, but i haven't seen anything in the bed or sheets. mites are smaller, so that might be the problem. did you ever figure this out? i am still having the bites every morning!
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