407812 tn?1211307057

Allergies To Pollen and Short Of Breath

Can allergies give me short of breath? and can I use a asthma pump to help with it? I'm allergic to pollen if that helps, sometimes I hear wheezing and sometimes I dont, is that bad? It gets me very nervous and to top it all I have anxiety.
6 Responses
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492869 tn?1285018933
If you have begun experiencing shortness of breath associated with allergies, you should make an appointment with your doctor.  You may be developing asthma.  If you explain your concerns to the receptionist, I am sure he/she will give you the earliest appointment available.  Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.
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Hi BaByGaBe,

The description in your post, indicates that you may be having some kind of hypersenstivity of the airway. This may need a doctors opinion. The allergy to pollen is a definite concern and indicates either asthma or allergic reactions of some other kind. There are good treatment modalities available and you may benefit immensely from them.

Avoid pollen, and other allergens, also try not to go out in the open, visit a doctor asap because you may have an allergic reaction which may get severe anytime. Do not use any anti-allergic pumps unless prescribed by a healthcare worker.

take care, keep us posted and let us know if you may need more help.

you may read more about asthma at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asthma

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407812 tn?1211307057
I usually take Claritin D every year when allergy season starts, and it usually helps me a lot. I haven't even begun to take it yet, so I will try it and see what happens. Hopefully it will be a success as it is every other year. I will keep you all updated, I am also going to make a doctor appointment just to make sure it is nothing serious. Thanks.
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My wife has has pretty sever allergies. She manages them by controlling the allergens at home. She got rid of the carpet, encased the bed in covers, washes the sheets in a special detergent and makes sure she cleans early in the day. She found some good info at a site ehso.com.

She really like to play in the garden and the pollen will get to her at times. Stay well
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You should atart taking the antihistmaine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms.

It would also help to try some steam inhalation and saline nasal drops.

Post us on what your doctor advises.

Let us know if you need any other information and post us on how you are doing.


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You could also try nasal irrigation.  You can get a nasal irrigation squeeze bottle at the grocery store in the medicine isle.  There's one called NeilMed.  I find that it helps to wash out the pollens and gunk and make breathing a little bit better.  But go to the doctor and find out if there are other medicines like nasal sprays or inhalers that could help you.  I use the nasonex nasal spray and advai inhaler and really like both of them.  I'm new to this issue so my breathing was very bad about a month ago.  Not bad enough to make me gasp for air but bad enough that I was very uncomfortable and that caused a lot of anxiety.  Good luck!
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