1606324 tn?1298293871

Allergies and anxiety

Is it possible that allergies could have you feeling so badly and out of sorts that it has you feeling anxious? or that it can be mistaken, your feelings, as anxiety? That your body is just so very uncomfortable that you never feel right. My doctor is saying that I probably am experiencing atypical migraines. I will get these headaches, but they are not the fantastic type that just blow you away, i have gotten those when i was younger and would have to sleep them off, but they are just headaches, i would notice my vision would get blurry before it would happen, and the headache would come, and its just a general feeling of unease. it lasts short time, or a long time, usually when im stressed yes but couldnt it just be allergies contributing to all of this. My sinuses always bother me, my nose is always either runny or stuffy, never just cleared up. I snore like mad at night. Never get a good nights rest .The loratadine I take really doesnt do much at all. when they did the rasts  it showed me being very very allergic to dust. my doctor wanted me to take injections for it. I kindly declined. Now i kind of wonder, if i took these injections, would this really help me not feel so out of sorts and in this constant state of discomfort?
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Many people think they are experiencing sinus headaches and issues when they are really experiencing migraines.  Migraines can be triggered by allergies.  It sounds like you have had migraines in the past and that they are a possibility for you now.  

Some things you can try are sinus rinses and a different antihistamine.  Many patients and doctors think that loratadine is pretty close to a placebo.  Zyrtec or its generic may work better for you.  

Allergies can cause one to have a general sense of malaize, discomfort ect as you describe.  Immunotherapy may be a good idea for you.  I would recommend that you undergo skin pr ick testing as RAST testing is not very accurate.  Also, you want to make sure that you are getting immunotherapy shots and not steroid allergy shots.  Steroids are terrible medicines although they are needed at some times.  It is best to save them for when they are truly necessary to save your life.  

Immunotherapy introduces small amounts of allergens into your system in order to reteach your system that these substances are harmless so that it stops over reacting to them.  It is very effective and is really quite natural.

I hope that helps you some.
Take care and feel better.
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1606324 tn?1298293871
Thank u very much! That is exactly what I will do, Need to see my doctor in a couple of weeks anyway to discuss my chantix so i'll also discuss all of this with him. Your time is much appreciated.
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I would agree with bsmsl, that you should get skin tested and if recommended, get the allergy shots. Immunotherapy (subcutaneous) can be extremely helpful. It has been awesome for me. Quality of life is so much better. (Don't ever let them palm you off with sublingual "shots", make sure that you get your shots from a board-certified allergist. Good Luck.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, allergic manifestations for long term or severe reaction can annoy the patient and can put them to emotional stress and anxiety.Anxiety disorders can also occur due to stress, fatigue, some hormonal changes etc. Vice-versa, stress can also induce certain allergic manifestations in individuals. Such inter dependence is not well established.

This disorder can be managed by self by alleviating the home and personal life related stress particularly before going to bed.  A regular fitness routine, Yoga and meditation can also help to eliminate stress and create a more peaceful sleeping atmosphere and provides a relaxed state of mind. Psychotherapy can also help you to learn how to cope and deal with the various stressors in your life.

Do not worry, follow the above mentioned methods and the symptoms will alleviate soon. I suggest you to consult psychiatrist. Take care and regards.
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1606324 tn?1298293871
That seems a very good answer also. I used to have a very hard time, I have learned that extended periods of little or no sleep would end in me having anxiety attacks. I used to have alot of issues with these things but I do not anymore. For about a year or more now actually. I have been very careful to always get adequate sleep, I've been dieting, I've recently quit smoking and soon will be incorporating exercise into my daily routine. Baby steps :D not just yet...lol Seeing a psychiatrist seems extreme. I don;t feel I need to be medicated for anything really and truly, but I have been considering some type of counseling. I figure, it can't hurt, and I am kind of a confused person in my life right now, Less stress, lots of time now to actually work things out. Thank u very much Dr Rajput for answering my question. Your time is very much appreciated and I like what you have to say.
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