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Allergies or dry weather causing blood in nose


I was wondering if allergies ( I don't know if I have them or not, never had allergies before ) or dry weather can cause a bloody nose. When I say bloody I don't mean gushing or a soaked tissue like if someone punched you in the nose.  I mean like the middle area of your nose where the cartilage is. I don't pick my nose and recently as of about 2 weeks I noticed it off and on. Like right now it's fine but if I blow my nose perhaps the vibrations cause it to be irritated or if I take a shower the steam or water does. My nose feels really dry inside and I have been sneezing a lot.

I have mild health anxiety, it used to be a lot worse but I read about leukemia being one of those symptoms... so of course that scared the hell out of me. I don't have weight loss, not pale, not lethargic and I'm eating normally... so that counter acts that fear but you know always in the back of my mind.

I would like to know if there is anything I can do to elevate it when it happens, like nasal spray to keep my nose moist. It's annoying because when I see it it gets me thinking that I have cancer cause I blow my nose and I see blood.

Thank you in advance.

To good health!

3 Responses
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Dry nose can cause bleeding from nose. Drink lot of water and try steam inhalation.
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When you say dry are can make it bleed, is what I described what you meant.

I need to stop worrying about worst case... and I need to check out a humidifier.
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746512 tn?1388807580
dry air can defintely cause your nose to bleed a bit, try a humifier or steamy room.
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