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Allergies or sinus infection?

Hello, everyone! Two days ago, I had a TERRIBLE sore throat. Went to the doctor to get swabbed, did not come back for strep. No fever, but I felt sweaty at night (I think it was due to bad dreams LOL). Accompanied by a pounding headache. The next day, I woke up congested with a runny nose, I coughed up some green phlegm and felt fine the rest of the day. Now, I'm sneezing a bit with clear mucus and it doesn't feel like a cold at all. I DO have seasonal allergies, but I'm not sure if this was allergies, a sinus infection or viral pharyngitis? I'm thinking it was allergies because it was not terrible and is pretty much gone by now.

Any input?

Also: I'm VERY prone to sinus infections. I get about 2 or 3 a year. I'm a college student, so I don't have an ENT doc at the moment. No insurance :(
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     Your symptom seem to be of sinusitis, but cause for it’s development could be allergies, infection, obstruction of sinuses or nasal polyps or deviated nasal septum. If you have recurrent sinusitis that is not responding to medical treatment then a CT scan would help to make out the exact cause for this recurrent sinusitis. Also, you need to make a note of what is triggering an attack in your case and try avoid it. Hope this helps. Best
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Never thought about that, I do have acid reflux on occassion ..
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746512 tn?1388807580
It could also have a bit of acid reflux at play too, which would increase the sore throat, and irriate your nose and sinuses.  
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