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Allergies to Sinus Infection???

Hi There. I'm 16, and two weeks ago, I began having a slight cough and cold...I moved last summer, so I attributed it to allergies flaring up, due to uncommon pollens and stuff in the air. It began overnight...the next day, I was incredibly tired, nearly falling asleep in all my classes. Then, I went on to getting a high fever, really bad chills, a loss of appetite for the most part, and a worse cough and cold. Over the past few days, (on my right-hand side), one of my upper teeth has begun to hurt really bad. Now, with my tooth, the pain will flare up really bad, and then it will slowly subside a few hours later. The same thing with my other symptoms, I keep getting better, then relapsing. Except, for my cold. It has remained horrible the entire two weeks. I even got a nose bleed in the middle of the day last Thursday...I have used up so many boxes of tissues and rolls of TP, blowing my nose...What is wrong?? Is it maybe a sinus infection?? All suggestions and ideas are MUCH appreciated!! Thanks.
2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
From the symptoms chronic sinus infection needs to be ruled out. Chronic sinusitis begins with an inflammation of the mucous membranes in your sinuses — the air-filled passages around your nose and throat. The inflammation causes fluid buildup eventually plugging the sinus cavity and preventing normal mucus drainage.

Chronic sinusitis can be caused by infections of the upper respiratory tract, allergies and deviated nasal septum .Other suspected causes include mold or fungi in the sinuses.  Chronic sinusitis can cause difficulty breathing through the nose, pressure-pain in the nose, thick nasal discharge, reduced sense of smell, aching in the upper jaw or teeth, bad breath, post-nasal drip, and persistent coughing.

Please get an evaluation done from an ENT specialist to confirm the diagnosis.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your dermatologist. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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1671134 tn?1304343958
It sure sounds like a sinus infection. Is the mucus coming out colored or sticky in any way? Does it drip down the back of your throat and you can kind of taste it?

I'd say because of the tooth pain too it's a sinus infection. You could try saline to help rinse out your nasal passages or go to your doctor. They might give you a Z-pack or some other antibiotic if they suspect bacterial infection.
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