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Allergy ? Bent Septum?


I'm a 20 years old male.  My ENT has diagnosed me with a bent septum, she now suggested surgery. I suffer from allergic rhinitis as well. (I'm taking meds for that but they don't seem to help).
I have daily headaches, which start when I wake up in the morning.
Other than that, my eyes feel sore and I have a general feeling of being unwell.  I have already changed meds twice, as they didn’t seem to work. I tried aerius, fluticasone nose spray, and some others.

About my headaches, they’re   ‘pulsating’, as my heart pulses,  I have this pulsating sensation in my head too, and it seems to be sort of coordinated with my heartbeat.  After an hour or two, the headache usually tends to diminuish,  but then increases randomly during the day.  It feels as though I always have it, but its intensity changes.

Other than that, the last year in september I have been diagnosed with erosive gastritis, esophagitis and bile reflux or bile lake, i do not exactly remember.
I have tried different types of meds, Lansox, Pantoprazol, and Zantac (which I am taking now) but not much seems to change.

I'm trying to understand now wether the headache is given by my bent septum/allergy or by my stomach, before I have surgery.

I have been  feeling like this since 2009, and it never got better.

Also, I wonder, how come my meds against the allrgy aren't working? How come I have been feeling like this since Dicember? (I thought allergies attack mostly before summer) Can my headaches be related to my bent septum? If yes, what are the chances that the two are related?  Are they more likely related to the gastritis?

I would appreciate some answers, as I haven't been having much luck with doctors lately. Thanks in advance to anyone who will take interest into helping me.
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I forgot to mention, this helps, I am allergic to some type of 'grass'..
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
Your symptoms could be a combination of deviated nasal septum and uncontrolled GERD. You could be having persistent post nasal drip and sinusitis and thus headache due to congestion caused by a laryngo-tracheal reflux of gastric contents. Treatment of GERD is a combination of drugs to reduce the acid and lifestyle changes. You will need to take a combination of medications like a proton pump inhibitor such as omeprazole,  lansoprazole or pantoprazole empty stomach in the morning and an antacid gel after meals for complete relief. Possibility of H pylori infection too should be looked into and a combination antibiotic tried.
Life style changes that will help include: Avoid heavy meals and eat frequent small meals. Avoid too much of caffeine, tea, smoking, fried food and drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic fuzzy ones. Avoid heavy exercises within 4 hours of a heavy meal. Raise the head end of the bed by pillows to 30 degrees. Go to bed at least 2 hours after food. Maybe these tips will help you. Try this and see if the symptoms come in control before you venture for surgery. Steam inhalation before bed time, drinking plenty of hot fluids and doing deep breathing exercises too will help.
Hope these tips help. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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