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Allergy Help?

okay, so i didnt know where else to ask this, and its no life or death kind of question, so anyways here it is:

i have a friend. she is a female. I know she is allergic to pineapples and cherries. witth the pineapple, i think, she gets a swollen throat, which cuts off air flow and all that fun stuff. so anyways, im trying to guess what other thing she is allergic to, and i dont know where to start.

i dont know if there is any way to determine that, but if there is could somebody help a fella out? i really like this girl, and itll surprise her nice and good if i can guess it.

thanx yall in advance...:D
3 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
There is really no way for you to guess as to what she is allergic to...unless you sit there and make notes as to what she does NOT eat.

If she's the one trying to figure out what she's allergic to,it's a different story.
She would have to eliminate every thing from her diet that she THINKS she's allergic to, and then slowly reintroduce those things back into her diet.
That way if she has an allergic reaction, she'll know what's causing it.

If she's allergic to pineapple, then there's a good chance that other citrus fruits might throw her for a loop.
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hey, thanks, but i figured it out. after a LOT of guessing, aimless rambling, and more than a few hints, i finally figured out shes allergic to the little bandaidsthey use when ya get a shot, who wudda thunk? not even a food allergy....
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The swelling could be due to angioedema. This is swelling of the deeper layers of the skin due to an allergic reaction. The reaction occurs more commonly on the face around the lips and near the eyes. It can be life threatening if it affects the throat. Therapy lies in identifying the allergens and avoiding them and anti histamines. An allergy specialist can help identify the allergens and desensitize her.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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