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Allergy or otherwise????

I need help, I have been having cough, cold and constant mucous coming since last 6-7 months. I keep having a feeling that my chest is choked and have difficulty in breathing. Doctors are not sure why this is happening and think it might be allergy to something. But all the medicines are in vain. Morning is the worst when I get up as everything is blocked nose and throat and I cough and spit out a lot of thick mucous for first 30-40 minutes.
Any help on this would be great.

2 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it sounds like chronic sinusitis. It can be due to allergic nasal polyps or tumors,allergic reactions,deviated nasal septum,trauma to the face,respiratory tract infections,allergies such as hay fever,immune system cells or cystic fibrosis.

It is important to find out the cause of chronic sinusitis as then specific treatment can be started.Treatment varies from saline and steroid nasal sprays to decongestants and antibiotics.Some resistant cases may need surgery.The best treatment however is to inhale plenty of steam. Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot (but not boiling water) may help to soften, and loosen, the build up of mucus in your nose. You may also find that adding some menthol crystals, or eucalyptus oil, to the water, helps to ease his symptoms of catarrh.Also keep your head end elevated while sleeping and apply wet warm compresses on your face.You can also nasal lavage by bulb syringe or neti pot to rinse your nasal passages.
If the symptoms are intense then pls consult an ENT specialist.Transillumination test and x-ray and CT sinuses may be required to confirm the diagnosis.

I hope that helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.Kind regards.

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869659 tn?1240862099
Hi Mamx:

I am sorry to hear your medications are not helping you find relief.

I would have you read my journal, and see if what I say might be of some help.

Hope to hear from you.

Stay strong.
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