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Allergy reaction?

Recently, i discovered that im allergic to prawn(shrimps whatever).. And the reason the doctor(and me!) found out about my allergy is because of the hives(urticaria) that has been appearing on my skin when i eat prawn. So, the question is, if i continue to eat prawn, will it get serious? I mean, like to the extent of having anaphylactic shock?

When i really do eat a lot of big prawns, this is how my skin would look like... (this photo is from wikipedia! Its not my foot!)


So, anyone, help please?

p/s: when i eat prawn, my hand, my palms will have these weird red dots all over it, and it itches like hell...

This is my palm.. i just took this picture.. Er, i just had some seafood and prawn for dinner just now. Oh, same thing goes to my feet now.. er, my soles?

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563773 tn?1374246539

Unfortunately the pictures could not be downloaded,but from the description of your symptoms,it looks like you are having allergic reactions to prawns.Prawns come under the family of crustaceans. Crustaceans are aquatic animals that have jointed legs, a hard shell and no backbone, such as crab, crayfish, lobster, prawns and shrimp.

They contain various peptides (small protein molecules) that can cause allergic reactions. Various other chemical agents, such as preservatives, are often added to fresh fish or shrimp / prawn cocktails, and can be the cause of allergic symptoms in individuals who are not allergic to them.Hence firat of all it is important to find out whether you are allergic to prawns. You can find that out by means of allergy testing by skin ***** tests and patch tests. In this a little amount of allergen is injected into the skin of the forearm by a doctor. The skin is closely watched for signs of a reaction, which include swelling and redness. Confirmatory diagnosis is by blood tests (RAST).

So if you are found allergic to prawns,you may show allergic reaction to all crustaceans like crabs,crayfish,lobster and shrimps.Hence their avoidance will be the best treatment.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted if you have any additional doubts. Kind regards.

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My hands also turn red and itch like crazy when eating the fresh boiled peel and eat type shrimp and sometimes my face flushes.  I don't seem to have any allergic reaction once I've eaten them, nor if I eat them cooked (without shell on)>   Seems like it's more from touching them. This past month, I found out I'm allergic to sulfa drugs and sulfites.   From what I understand shrimp (and maybe lobster too) are dipped in a strong sulfite concoction commonly referred to by their fishermen as a "shrimp dip".  To keep them from turning brown or something.   I don't know for sure yet, but I'm thinking that's what my reaction is from, the sulfites residue on the shrimp, not the shrimp iitself.  Maybe that's what's "bugging" you also???  
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