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Allergy to my own hair

Is it possible to be allergic to your own hair? My hair brings out a rash on my face and neck where it touches. This does not happen all of the time but when it does it is extemely itchy and brings out small red spots. This then spreads out to other areas of my body. The problem seems to be worse when I am on my period. I have tried switching shampoos several times but nothing seems to work. I don't know if there is anything I can do apart from have my hair cut extremely short. Any advice?
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I do, it becomes red raw in blotches on my cheek, sometimes my neck & my scalp can get itchy, I get sores, extreme in temperatures & stress seems to make it really sore, I've had it my whole life thought or called eczma just given steroids or moisturiser..i haven't managed to get to dermatology yet... I have problems with my nerves? have spasms the best likeness was dystonia in the face & neck & creak like aunt sally...not sure they're connected the other conditioons have developed later on but thought I'd mention inncase as have no diagnosis there either...interesting to find
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I have the same problem. My hair actually hurts to comb it sometimes. Even on my leg, arms, underarms etc. I can touch the hair and the skin actually feel as if its stinging or burning.  I have tried different shampoos and natural oils. It helps with the soothing but the problem never goes away. It is ongoing. Even other peoples hair that touches my skin causes the same reaction with the bumps that are so painful. Shaving does not help, it seems to make it worst.
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stupid ***** read the all of the comments before yours and then you will get your answer
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I am ironically a hair dresser and have this problem. No one believes me. I have tried many shampoos. the sulfate free didnt work but am going to try the burts bees as recomended on here. Noticed when I got my hair cut that the bumps moved up to where the new length. Wear it up at night as much as it kills my head but still have a face and neck full of itchy red bumps. am going to start a benadryl regimine to see if that will help. Good luck to anyone with this problem. I definately sympathize with your plight
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So is their any medenice or something to take I don't want my son to have same problem as me being allergic to hair
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Well, I guess it's true! For most of my life I have thought I was allergic to my hair. Now that I see others experiencing similar problems I know it's true. For yrs I cut all my hair off & wore short like a boy & my face still broke out. So figured it was the products that I used in my hair. From that point on I started tying my hair up or wearing a night cap & that really worked for me. Now my hair is long. It's down the middle of my back and any time it touches my neck, shoulders or back I get a rash. I'm itching right now, lol. Needless to say in order not to be bothered I have to wear a night cap whenever I'm at home. So try that. Get yourself a night cap to wear at night because it doesn't matter what shampoo you use. You've probably already tried changing that without much relief. So much for looking cute at night. Lol
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