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Alternatives to steroid nasal spray?

I am allergic to so many things - dust mites (severe), pollen (grass, tree, ragweed - pretty bad) and various animals (not to mention food now).

I've been on Rhinocort Aqua for several years with great results. On bad days I take Claritin. I've been on other steroid nasal sprays, but Rhinocort has been the most gentle.

I want to get off Rhinocort because I think the steroid is causing me to constantly eat as well as be irritable all the time.

I've tired Claritin, Allegra, and Zyrtec, but they don't help very much. I used to get allergy shots, but I don't think they helped much either. I do everything I'm supposed to do to minimize indoor allergens, but my dust mite allergy is so severe that nothing helps. I tried getting off Rhinocort before when I got pregnant, but I was miserable to the point I would rather die than deal with it!

I recently heard about Astelin and was going to ask my doctor/allergist about it. But before I start experimenting w/ other medications, I wanted to see what has worked for you.

Thank you!
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J's Nose Drops works wonders for me and it even gets rid of any sinus infections that I may have. There is also another product called "Allermac" by Jernigan Nutraceuticals. Dr. David & Sara Jernigan's formulas work very well for me... they are even curing lyme disease without the use of antibiotics ! I recently purchased the Allermac and its working great.


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You could try steam inhalation , saline nasal drops and breathing exercises.

Does stopping the steroid nasal spray help with your symptoms of irritability? Have you gained weight since you were on steroid nasal sprays for your symptoms?

Avoiding substances that you have documented allergies to , would also be helpful.

You could consult your doctor about the dose adjustment and see if that would help.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you need any other information.

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