my mom was working in the yard yesterday and was cutting bushes and this morning are arms are burning and irritated, no bumps redness or any sign of physically. but she cant really move them. her hands are also burning and they are swollen. what can i do? does she need to get medical attention?
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How is your mom?Are there other symptoms present? Swelling and burning may be caused by neurological issues, infection, inflammation, possible allergic reaction and even hypersensitivity reaction. Antihistamine medication usually help provide relief in allergic reactions.However, if the symptoms persist, it is best that you have her see a doctor for proper evaluation. Direct clinical examination is important. Take care and do keep us posted.
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i would say see a doctor because i would say arthritis in the hands caused this from overactivity.. she would need an antinflamatory and maybe some sort of anti itch cream
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1731970 tn?1328087070
Hi she could have been bitten or it could be an allegic reaction. I would get her medical help. Immediately
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