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high sgpt n ggpt

hi i m 46 yrs old male 6.1ft mad weight 90kg.i got my liver p[rofile done all the counts are under normal range accept S.G.P.T which is 44 and G.G.P.T which is 134. i use to drink and smoke very occasionally but last 2 years i have decreased it to 2 glasses od wine or 2 beers twice a week and last 2 month i dint drink at all. i am a patient of ashtma. i take citrizine for the allergy n use to take allergy injection many times previously. i would like to drink once a while but im scared if it would harm me pls advice i m very confused
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Hello and welcome to the community.

I think this is something you really need to discus with your doctor.  He/she would have a better idea of how the liver enzyme levels should be interpretted for you and have much better advice for you.  

You may want to post on the digestive forum.  This is the allergy forum.  In general we really have no idea what the liver enzyme levels should be.  I have been watching mine for an asthma medication, but I don't know what the norms are.  I just look at the lab interpretation where it says if it is betwee these two numbers then your good.  

God bless.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Important causes for elevated SGPT are viral hepatitis B and C, fatty liver, certain hepatotoxic drugs, and autoimmune liver diseases. Please get your self evaluated for these conditions from a physician. GGT is a more specific marker of alcoholic injury to the liver. In my opinion you should cut down completely on alcohol and fatty food for atleast two months and then get these tests re-evaluated.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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