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Allergic reaction after pizza

I just ate a slice of pepperoni pizza with parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes (I have eaten this exact thing many times before). Then after a couple bites I realized that it was becoming very painful to swallow. I tried drinking water but that was difficult to swallow as well. Most of my mouth and throat were burning but I wasn't in severe pain, I would say it was moderate discomfort. I went to the bathroom and a green film had formed on the back of my tongue. From what I could see, there was no discoloration to any other parts of my mouth. After about 30 minutes I no longer had any difficulty swallowing. I figure this must've been some type of allergic reaction, but I can't find anything about the green coating on my tongue. What could this be?
2 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
Unfortunately when they make pizza they don't always use real cheese and may make other cheap substitutions as well. There is no telling what specifically caused that reaction. If you like pizza that much it is easy to make it in your own house. As least then you would know what you were eating.

Pizza was originally from Naples, and was made of leftovers - tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese spread on bread dough, sprinkled with grated Romano cheese and baked. It is not a bad food if eaten occasionally, presuming you are using healthy ingredients.
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3235848 tn?1346647014
Pizza is not a good food for daily meal.And you should eat fresh food such as fish,vegetable,pork and so on.And drink more water in order to remove more toxicity of food from body.And try not to eat pizza anymore as you are allergic to it.Therefore, trying eat rice due to the function of removal on toxicity it can be.
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