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Anaphylatic Shock to wasp

My 9 year son who loves the outdoors was recently stung three times by a wasp or hornet. We work in the Philippines. His reaction was severe and the doctors said we were lucky that he is still alive. When we lived in the US he was stung several times but never reacted. My question is this: Are allergic reactions to stings regional? If we return to the US will our son not be allergic to the wasp venom there?
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690241 tn?1227387213
allergic reactions are built up.  It is physically impossible to have an allergic response the 1st time an individual is exposed to something.  Think of it this way.... Since an allergic reaction involves immune system response, it must have had prior contact to see the venom, food, etc as an invador.  An individual may develop an allergy at any time.  I have severe allergies to sea food, but they did not develop until I was grown up.  I used to eat all kinds of sea food with no problems.  Hope this helps.
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Thank you. Yes, we are wondering if his reaction was built up as a result was as a result of venom from other stings or if this reaction was from this particular wasp. We do know for certain that this was his only sting in the Philippines. We do know that this particular wasp is native to the tropics. The doctor here said that if we leave the country he might not react to other wasp stings in the US. We were just wondering if that advice is correct.
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563773 tn?1374246539

If God forbid,your son is again stung be a wasp,then look out for the symptoms.It can occur as allergic reaction or a serious anaphylactic reaction. An allergic reaction may include hives or rash, swelling away from the sting site or headache. These allergic reactions are not life-threatening and can be readily treated with an antihistamine.

However,if it is an anaphylactic reaction ,then there may be fainting, difficulty breathing, swelling, and blockage in the throat within minutes of being stung.Then epipen should be administered immediately and your son should be immediately rushed to the ER.

Same is the mode of treatment even if you move to other countries.To your query about whether he may be allergic to wasps and bees in other countries,then it is very difficult to say anything without allergy testing.You can get your son allergy tested by an allergist for the different wasp or insect stings and then avoidance of these will be the best treatment.

I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted on how your son is doing or if you have any additional doubts.Warm regards.
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