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Anyone had reaction to Decadron shot?

My husband went to the doctor yesterday because of dizziness that has lasted for about 3 days and he did have sinus drainage and the doctor said that it was probably inner ear problems.  He gave him a decadron shot.  That was at about 6:00pm on Saturday.  On Sunday, he was fine until he took a nap at about 2:30 and when he woke up, his skin was very red and it progressively got worse throughout the evening.  I wanted to take him to the ER but he still feels so bad he dont want to go. Should I be worried?  I work in the medical field and have seen many reactions, but never to Decadron and couldnt find any reaction info that seemed like what he is having?
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563773 tn?1374246539

An allergic reaction to decadron is unlikely, but seeks immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness and trouble breathing.

It might be possible that your husband suffered from allergy to something else, other than decadron because allergic reaction to decadron is almost immediate. In your husband’s case it was almost after 6-7 hrs.

Pls ask your husband to take antihistaminic like bendryl or Claritin.Apply calamine lotion on the skin.It helps in soothing the skin.For sinus infection,ask him to take steam inhalation. Avoid indigestible, spicy, foods and meats. Eat simply of wholesome food. Obtain needed out-of-door exercise, sunbaths, and swimming. It can also be treated using an antihistamine nasal spray. Antihistamine works by blocking your immune system's response to the allergen.
If still the symptoms persist then pls consult a physician.

Take care and regards.

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I know this had happened in 2008 but if anyone is wondering if this was an allergic reaction. I went to the ER (Sept. 19, 2011) with what the Dr. said WAS an allergic reaction to DECADRON. My face, neck, and chest were VERY red, so red that it became a dark red almost red-purple look.
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