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Asthma and Allergy

Is Epipen available in India?  If not, what is the alternative  emergency treatment for anaphylactic shock commonly used?
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Not sure about Epipen availability in India.

Unrefined all natural sea-salt 1 teaspoon with a glass of  room temperature water x2,
should help, until the sufferer gets to a doctor  or clinic. Sometimes this remedy takes care of it, without having to see the doctor.

Better yet, why not eliminate the Allergy. Visit a Holistic Allergy Elimination Therapist for that.
"Allergy Antidotes" (the method I use here in Canada) is very efficient and usually permanent results within a few treatments.
N.A.E.T. ( Dr. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) Doctors or Practitioners also do similar work for Allergy Elimination. Both Energy Medicine based.
Just do a search for your area.
Hope this helps.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, as such epipen are not available yet. Epipen delivers a measured dose of epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) using autoinjector technology, most frequently for the treatment of acute allergic reactions to avoid or treat the onset of anaphylactic shock. In certain cases it can be used to stop local bleeding.

Alternatively, the same drug can be given by the local health care provider or you need to go to emergency department. Adrenaline is life saving drug in this case and there is no other better alternative exists. Steroids and anti histaminics will also help a bit but not immediately. Take care and regards.

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Thanks all, for your responses.  Yes Nikodecreta,  I will be looking into holistic remedies.  Meanwhile I have had a cortisol shot, and will be undergoing tests to eliminate anything to do with the heart.  

Thanks again,
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