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Okay, so my last post was me wondering if i could have asthma and/or anxiety. Right now, I'd like to focus on asthma:P So im going to tell you guys something that happened and you tell me wat you think it might have been:) Thanks.
Recall: I have shortness of breath occasionally(next to rarely) and swallow issues.
Okay so its like Oct. 20. I was in gym i think like 3 days ago and we were exercising. I started freaking out a little because my breathing started to get worse than it has. (exercise doesn't usually effect it much. I just think im out of shape half the time) anyways, having that, i had to balance myself on a yogo ball (on my pelvis/stomach) and my breathing got severely worse. My eyes watered my whole throat felt like it got heavier/thicker yet tighter. I started to take big deep breathes and i could hear every single breath. It sounded desperate. Like I was gasping. Because i kind of was. Because with every big thing of hair i got in, i felt like only like a small skinny amount of it(Like a straw amount) went down the middle of my throat. I also started putting pressure on my ribs for the exercise which made it even worse! It was terrifying. I felt like I could barely breathe at all! I was soo scared!  After i finished gym and took a few minutes to try to get my breathing back to normal and my throat back to normal, i was okay again. What do you think happened to me? Also the thing we were doing, i had to do the whole round(it had other things in it too) 3 times. I had to do it again last time but only did it twice but it didnt happen.(Though it did feel harder to do lol.) Your advise is very important to me. What should i do?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

There is an entity called exercise induced Asthma, here as the person starts exercise, the changes in the environmental air breathed in trigger an attack of asthma, causing cough and breathlessness. Have yourself evaluated for the same. This can be detected by a spirometry test.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Well it was in my school gym and it never usually happens:P But it sounds like itcould be that. What is a spirometry test? And could it be just being out of shape?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Spirometry, is a test where you will be asked to blow into a hand held machine and it records your values. This tests the lung functions. The commonly measured values are FEV1 and FVC, which are forced expiratory volumes. The normal spirometry values are FVC-80-120% and FEV-80-120%.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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