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Autoimmune Urticaria

Hi, I am a 32 year old female.  After having my daughter in Feb 2008 I started getting hives.  After much testing and eliminating, my immunologist told me it was Autoimmune Urticaria.  I spent the next year taking many prescribed and otc meds.  These meds did help some but the hives were still there.  Then I got pregnant again and most of the symptoms went into remission.  Now I am 3 months post partum and I itch like mad.  I am not having as my wheels but more of an overall redness, constantly.  I feel like I'm wearing an itchy sweater all over my body.  Antihistamines aren't really helping.  Its worse when I am hot or sweating.  I feel like I have a lump in my lower throat at times.  My upper arms have a reddish discoloration that never goes away now but it doesn't itch there.  Sun exposed areas are very red (face, neck, chest, arms).  Is this more than Urticaria?  My immunologist is just very lax about everything.  I haven't had any labs drawn for this in over a year.  Any help or suggestions is much welcomed.
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Does antihistimine help it go down or not?
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Antihistamines only help a little.  Most of the itch goes away but my skin still looks red.  My skin is also very sensitive to my clothes touching it.  My hips always appear red and my arms are always red no matter what I do.
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