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Bad allergies?

I just found out yesterday that I am very allergic to both types of dust mites. This after seeing 3 ENTs who have said I do not have sinus problems, though I am always dealing with sinus pressure and congestion etc.

Can allergies make me feel so crappy. I can barely breathe right now except for through my mouth. I cleaned the bedroom real good last night and is that what is causing me to feel this bad? I am yellow and green mucus when I blow my nose.

I also have swollen lymph nodes which came up on MRI. On both MRI and CT only found cysts in maxillary sinuses and some thickening, nothing else so ENTs do not think surgery would help.

I now have a really swollen and hard lump behind my ear, is this a lymph node? What is it?

Will I ever feel better?

I am doing the nasal steriod spray now, and have just started a 21 day antibiotic.
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It is good that you have started steroid nasal sprays and a course of antibiotics - this should help with your symptoms - you might need to take the spray for some time though.

Your symptoms seem to due to both sinusitis and rhinitis. You need to avoid dust exposure and activities which increase the particulate matter in the air you breath will increase your symptoms. Other than the medication yu are already taking, you may get some relief from steam inhalation, breathing exercises and OTC anti-histamines.

Please let us know if there are any other queries. Also let us know how you feel over these days as you take your antibiotics.

Good luck.
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So I just spoke with my allergist and she if I want to we can do an aggressive approach to the allergies because of all of the cleaning I have done and will be doing to lessen my symptoms. She is going to have me start OTC anti-histamines and ordered me a 5 day supply of prednisone.

I am also on a 21 day does of avelox starting this morning.

I am praying that this well help.
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It was very good of you to consult a specialist. Now that you have started the appropriate treatment, you should feel better in a few days. It would be advisable to reconsult your specialist for a review in some days.Also remember not to discontinue your meds without the doctor's advice. If the symptoms persist or worsen, inform your specialist about it immediately.

Please keep us posted on your health and let us know if you may any doubts.

Good luck.
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I am experiencing a lot of pressure and pain in my nose region and above my eyes. Is this a common symptom of allergies? It feels so full and even the bones seem to hurt?

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Pain around the nose and above the eyes could be due to allergy but also due to sinusitis. Since you already done a CT and MRI, and there was no sign of sinusitis there,  a repeat visit to the ENT doctor would be the better plan of action. When was this CT/MRI done? Do you have the reports available with you? Have you had sinusitis before?

A reexamination as  well as a repeat CT or MRI of the paranasal sinuses would be advisable. Since you are laready on some antibiotics, a fresh may not be desired.

Please let us know what your doctor said and how you are feeling.

Good luck.
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The pressure is still there bad and still bright yellow mucus out of nose. I can barely breathe. I have dealt with sinus issues the last 6 months bad. But 3 separate ENTs have said they do not think I have sinus problems. So I went to the allergist like was recommended and feel much worse than I did that day.

Yesterday morning and this morning it feels like my nose is closing off and I can only breathe through my mouth. This is even after nasal steroids. It actually seems to get worse after the nasal steroid? The allergist did prescribe me prednisone yesterday but I am afraid to take it because I have been told it shuts down the immune system and there are lots of bad colds and junk going around here and I have 2 small kids in school who bring home all kinds of germs.

Do you think this warrants a visit to the ENT again? I talked to her yesterday and she said to start the Avelox antibiotic which I did yesterday. I now have 2 doses in me. I also started Zyrtec yesterday per the allergist recommendation.

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I just spoke with my ENT and she said she doesn't think I have an ear infection(s) she thinks I just have a sinus infection. She thinks I am just having sinus pressure and my sinuses are draining behind my ears. I have never had such bad ear pressure before with all of my sinus infections. But I don't know if a trip to an urgent care to have them check my ears is important to do or not? I decided to start the prednisone the allergist prescribed and took my first dose of 3 pills at 3pm. Today was my second day of Avelox. I am also doing the nasal steroid spray and today was my second day of Zyrtec.

Would a doctor even do anything for my ears if they are infected? Is there anything I can do for relief? Will I hopefully start feeling better with the combo of Avelox/prednisone?
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You should start feeling better in a couple of days now that you have started the appropriate medications.

It would also help to try some breathing exercises and steam inhalation and saline nasal drops.

If the ear and sinus symptoms do not start to regress or lessen in a couple of days you should reconsult with your doctor.

The symptoms you describe could all be caused due to the sinusitis alone but it cannot be said for sure without a clinical examination whether you have an ear infection or not.

Let us know how you are doing after starting the prednisone.

Also let us know if you have any doubts.

Hope this helps.

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Talked to the ENT late yesterday afternoon and she said I now have a full blown sinus infection and that the ear pressure is mostly from the draining that is taking place. I just took my 3rd dose of the Avelox and my 2nd dose of the prednisone so I hope that will start giving me relief soon.

I still have the bright yellow mucus and the facial, forehead, eyebrow, ear pressure and just feel really ran down. I am hoping to rest a lot this weekend.

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You have just started with the medication and it will take some time for it to work. In the meantime,  be positive and understand that the body takes more time to recoup from a disease than to get into one.

You are free to ask us any other query that you may have.

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