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Brown spot like freckles on face and body

I have been receiving allergy injections to get immune to dust.  But have now come out in brown spots like freckles all over my arms face body etc.

Now on steroids to stop the spots coming out.

Has anyone else had the same response to the injections?  And do the spots disappear in time.

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I can understand the stress you are going through and to help you presently, I need answers to few questions:

How long have you had this allergy? And when did you start these injections?

What injections are these?

Did you go through any testing to reveal your allergy to dust?

Where and when did the freckle like spots first appear?

Which medication are you using now? Was this prescribed by your doctor?

Best regards

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Hi,  Thanks for your reply

I have had the dust mite allergy for about 2 years.  I started the injections 6 weeks ago.

The injections were to get immune to dust - 0.0IR/ml of Alustral Dust Mite each week with the dose going up each week .10ml, .20ml, 0.40ml and .80ml then I went up in dose 1 IR/ml 0.40ml.

I had the course of 5 injections then the doctor advised me to stop as the freckle/brown spot rash was getting worse.

I started noticing a few spots on my arms and face in the first couple of injections but just got worse and worse especially when the dose when up to 1 IR/ml.

They started giving me the injections in the arms and then moved onto my thighs and I now have some spots on my legs and thighs and stomach.  I started getting injections on thighs as the bruises on my arms for the injections were taking a long time to go away.

Yes I went to an allergy specialist and had the ***** test done to reveal how bad my allergy was to dust.

2 Days ago the doctor put me on 25mg of Solone for 3 days in hope the spots would stop coming out.

Yesterday I returned to the doctor as they were getting worse and they sent me off for a blood test FBE and I will get the results on Monday.

Hope you can help me with this.

Many thanks
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The injections are actually diluted forms of the antigen or allergen itself and in rare circumstances can cause allergic reactions by themselves too.

This could be kept as a probability in your case.

Do you have itching at the sites of the lesions?

You should stop taking these injections for now,a nd consult a skin specialist to rule out any other cause of the lesions.

It would help to continue with the steroid medications as presctibed and also take some oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms.

Let us know about  how you are doing and also if you have any other doubts.

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Regarding the brown spots/freckles I am getting they are not itchy at all.  But still keep coming out many on my face and arms.  I have been keeping out of the sun but still keep getting more of them.

The doctor had me on steriods just for three days and also suggested I take antihistamine for the next three days.  

I am not sure whether to keep taking antihistamines as the spots keep coming out.  The doctor just tells me to use fading creams but it upsets me that I keep getting more and more spots.

Any idea what it could be?  Or whether I am still responding to the dustmite injections with this reaction.

The only other thing that could be causing freckles is I have been using a vitamin a cream on my face for the last 4 months?

Blackmores Stress Relief Tablets
Grapeseed Tablets
Fish Oil Tablets
Q10 Tablets.

Could any of these tablets cause a freckle reaction?

Really appreciate your comments.

Many thanks  
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Since when have you noticed these lesions? Does it coincide with the time you atarted using the face cream?

You should stop using the cream and see if it helps with your symptoms.

What does your specialist suggest?

Let us know about  how you are doing and also if you have any other doubts.

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I started noticing the brown freckles when I first started having the injections.

I had the following blood tests TSH, LFT, UEC and FBE.  They all came back normal.

My doctor doesn't know what to do next as I am still coming out in freckles.

Have now got to a naturapath and she has put me on Liver and Kidney tablets.

I am quite consitpated would this be why I keep coming out in freckles?

I am going to a dermatoglist this week hopefully I get some answers as this is really getting me down.

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Constipation as a cause for freckles? I would doubt that.. Nevertheless, I thin k you are right in going to the dermatologist to get this cleared up. there are some treatment options and sun protection and avoidance are key elements there.

Keep us posted.

Best regards
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