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Burning and itching sensation all over body

Ever since i started taking certain medication, I had an allergic reaction where I was itching all over my body and burning sensation inside that sometimes appears  with hives all over my skin when i scratch it. I was told to stop taking all medications but it continued and has not stopped. It is so bad that when the itching and burning sensation starts i get read all over, i fell weak and nauseated. I have seen a dermatologist and allergist and non are able to help me. They just send me back and forth from one to the other. Please help. :(
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      Red bumps appearing suddenly after taking certain medicine or exposure to allergens like dust, pollen or environment, infections and disappearing on their own or with use of antihistamines are usually hives. Other than these red bumps, itching and burning sensation could be due to  can occur due to bed bugs, liver or kidney failure, anemia or thyroid disorders etc. I would recommend that you consult a physician for further work up for the above mentioned causes and confirmation of the cause for this. Best.
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I had the same reaction to penecillin and it seemed to also occur to my (bklue and red) puffers for asthma. And the reaction escalated the more I took (I did not know it was those things th was causing the reaction). The itiching was a excrutiating. I had littel cuts from scratching too much.

I stopped taking them and the severity went away. But I am still having minor hive reactons dailey.

Reading this message board - it seems that everyone is just guessing  about   what causes hives and going from Dr. to specialist with little illumination on the topic .

I am doing experiement  to see what might be causing the hives. It might als be activated by stress as I am under ALLOT of pressure lately - but who knows!!! I hope you will keep  posting on  this message board what you learn and how it develops for you.  Thanks for sharing Nnay1.  
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also, the hives I was getting as a reaction to the meds were on my face and tongue and throat......and included nausea - they were the most extreme and I did go to emergency to adress it.

The other hives I am getting (mostly at the end of the day for some reason) are on the back of my neck and along my arms and wrists, and on my upper back side.  
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