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My throat is tickly and  itching,  my eyes are watering and I am coughing uncontrollably again, and It is wearing me out.   Sometimes I have to cough real, real hard in order to "SCRATCH" that itch,  it helps temporarily.
I really dont know what it is.  I never use to be sick with colds, allergies, or nothing of the sought.  I was 53 years then when It started and now I am 57.  I am thinking it may be my immune system is low.  I had aids tests, and chest x-rays, etc.    I have HTN.    I am now slightly overweight.   I used to smoke on off 1/2 pack of cigarets a day since age 13,  until I stopped in Nov 1998 at 48.    
Well,  now the coughing has started again last weekend after a 4 month break.   This problem initially started in the spring of 2004.  That time I knocked down my walls of my 1958 house for remodeling,  without a mask on.   I also, at the same period,  took a night job sleeping sometimes on a couch in another house as resident manager for disabled people.     The process.
FIRST,   I am on with my life then I start to feel a mild oncoming tickly itch sensation in my throat ( sometimes on one side the the other side or both sides)  , it starts to get a stronger ITCH,  I eyes start to tear and water and run down my cheeks,  Then THAT CRAZY COUGH  COMES.  It causes my throat to hurt and get scratchy.
HELP,    I FEEL LIKE WRINGING MY OWN NECK and it is driving me and everyone else crazy.  
OH, and NO ANTI BIOTICS, allergy, nor cold medicines work.     HELP. What in the world is going on,  is this a plague?
14 Responses
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On what medications are you for your blood pressure currently? Is it in the normal range?

Has a CT scan of your sinuses been done?

Do you have any sputum production with the cough? Do you have any symptoms of GERD or reflux disease?

Let us know about the above, so that we may be able to help you.

Do post back.

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Hello, thank you for responding.  I have hypertension, and take verapamil and hydrochlorizide (maybe spelled wrong).    Also, I have been having a lot of fluid (edema). I did not report that I also have phlegm that accompanies the cough.   I have been diagnosed with IBS. Gerd( ? ), or reflux disease( I think I had that years ago in the 90's) ,  I don't recall recently.
Oh, I have been told that I am developing a goita or thyroid problem ( hormones)  (  I have a little hair  under my chin too and did not want to grow a beard LOL )  and that nodules are present on both glands in my throat.( they wanted to remove them , I think partially,  I refused.
I am also a female Veteran and have gone to the VA.   Now I was out of my hydrochl (?) medication for a while too.
Sometimes,  I get mucous in my throat and am always swallowing and it affects my speech and I try to clear it also the mucous or phlegm taste salty ( makes me think an infection).
If you figure this out,  I think a lot of people on the internet will be greatful ).
If you need more info, let me know.

Thanks so much for your efforts
Ms V W
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The above information rules out your hypertension medication, or reflux as being the cause of your cough and other symptoms.

Are you on any medications for IBS?

Has a CT scan of your sinuses been done? Has a chest xray and lung function testing been done?

I would advise you to consult a chest specialist or pulmonologist and get a clinical examination and the relevant investigations done.

Let us know about the chest xray, CT and lung function reports.

Keep us posted.


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I am a 34 year old female. Never smoked, don't have high blood pressure and the only medication I take is Prilosec for Acid Reflx. I have had this same itchy cough for a few years. At first it would only show up once in a while, now it seems like I'll cough for a month and it'll stop for a couple of weeks, then I'll cough for a month or more. I mentioned it to my doctor and he gave me histinex (a cough medicine). It worked great, but now it's been pulled off the market and the new cough medicine he prescribed doesn't work nearly as well. The wierd thing about this cough is that my mother has had it for well over 5 years. So I have no idea if it has anything to do with genetics. I feel you frustration.
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Has a chest xray been done?

Do you have any other symptoms of breathlessness, sputum production, etc?

Do you still have the symptoms of reflux? Do you have any nasal symptoms?

The most common causes of a chronic cough are acid reflux, sinusitis and asthma - you should talk to your doctor about getting a chest xray, an xray PNS, lung function testing if required.

Let us know the reports.

Till then you could continue with the prilosec and try some warm saline gargles and see if it helps with your symptoms.

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I have had those same symptoms for 6 months.  First, I get a tickle on one side of my throat, then my eyes start watering, then I start to cough.  My chest also hurt from coughing so much.  (HELP) I have been to five different doctors, but not one doctor has solved my problem.  I have read everyone posts and have came to a somewhat conclusion: I live in an older house and believe it has could have mold.  The symptoms of mold is:
Runny or stuffy nose
Cough and postnasal drip
Itchy eyes, nose and throat
Watery eyes
The problem, I am have with the symptons of mols is it did not give me enough information.
Sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses
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Hi did you find an answer to this, these are exactly my syptoms
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I can't sleep and was up thinking.  As I said before, I just started getting the symptoms that everyone is experiencing 6 months ago around the time that I started taking Lisinopril-HCTZ for my high blood pressure.  I was told by my primary doctor that Lisinopril-HCTZ was a water pill and that it was safe and a low dosage.  After going to the emergency several times for a tickle on one side and sometime on both sides of my throat, coughing, watery eyes, and running nose, the emergency doctor asked me if I ever had COPD.  I explained to him that I had never had any illnesses except High Blood Pressure, which was diagnosed around 6 months ago. The Emergency doctor kept questioning me about the time I starting Lisinopril-HCTZ and the time my symptoms started.  He told my to stop taking Lisinopril-HCTZ and to call the hospitial today for a physcian.  He also said that one of the side effect of Lisinopril-HCTZ is a dry cough. Once I arrived home I decided to took up the side effects of Lisinopril and found that it is not a water pill after all.  I am wondering if Lisinopril-HCTZ can some how be contributed to my symptoms.
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I have the same problem for 3.5 years now. I get a scratch in throat, I cough, my nose clogs and eye waters only on one side.  It comes and goes (one day may only happen a couple of times, the next may happen all day).  I have high blood pressure, but my doctors think is a nerve problem.  I have had a CT scan of my neck, but I get the results this week.  I also have what is believed to be a brain tumor on my left temporal lobe (9 yeas now), but my doctor does not believe this is the problem of my throat and eyes watering.  If anyone has found any cure please let me know.  This is driving me and my family crazy.
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I presume many ailments might produce similar symptoms.  One thing you might check when you have a cough and tearing of the eyes is Post Nasal Drip (PND).  I have HPT and my doctor sort of dismissed my cough and tearing eyes as a side effect of one of the medicines that I take with no real suggestion of relief.   On vacation I mentioned my symptoms to a friend I was traveling with and he said sounds like you have Post Nasal Drip.  I went out and bought a nasal irrigation kit.  After three good applications of the nasal irrigation I noticed the cough went away.  I had heard of PND of course but did not know that coughing and eye tearing were symptoms of that.
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Oh my reading through all of these is exactly what I have.  It is driving me out of my mind.  I have never experienced anything like this.  It started in Dec 2012 when I got sick with the horrible cold virus that was going on.  I have not been the same.  I get the horrible attack itch in my throat followed by a tremendous amount of phlegm followed by water faucet tears streaming down my face followed by 5+ sneezes followed by a cough that takes my breath away.  It's an attack and it happens at least 3-5 times every day.  The worse is when it wakes me up out of a sound sleep every night.  I've gone to pulmonary Dr., had chest x-ray, and breathing test.......all good.  Went to an allergist, had allergy test and the only thing that was slightly elevated was mold everything else normal and even the mold was like a mold.  So now I'm flushing my sinuses with Nettie pod, taking a tsp of local honey every night before bed, one allegra, and one puff of flovent inhaler and 2 sprays in each nostril of flonase.  Been doing this for weeks.  A bit better but still not gone.  It's draining me......literally draining me.  Anyone out there experienced similar and have cure please let me know......
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5585711 tn?1433186231
I've had the same symptoms for a "long, long" time - manly, tickly throat, post-nasal drip, extreme nearly constant cough d/t tickly throat ...   I obediently went through the gambit of tests (CXR, CT of sinuses, labs, etc.) and was finally "very" blessed/fortunate to find a "naturopathic" physician who did extensive food allergy testing and identified that I am highly allergic to the 7 major food groups that cause allergies (flour/gluten, milk/milk products, soy, eggs, peanuts, sugar ...)     My diagnosis is "leaky gut syndrome".   Read up on it, folks.   Once I eliminated these foods from my diet and began juicing and eating 100% non-processed, organic foods (lots of green vege's, fruits, lean meats) ... my runny nose & cough have nearly disappeared.
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8846458 tn?1400178047
I have problems with itching in my throat, Its usually on the right side, then I cough to relieve the itch and it usually does very little good, and it follows with watery eyes and I have stuffy sinuses. At this point, Halls seems to relieve it a  little, but if I get used to them, they stop working.  My mother had this for years and years, It just got worse, now it sounds like she has bronchitis it's so bad, Her dr. told her it was acid reflux. Although she took the medications for it and it helped, it only lasted a short time. Nothings helps her very much at all. This just started for me. And the one problem that bothers me the most here is, ... I am not dilantin, a seizure medication, and anything I take for allergies, WILL NOT work because the dilantin neutralizes the allergy medication. I am now trying to find out what this really is. I don't have a doctor, I live in Canada and am not currently yet a citizen, so I have to try to find a way to lick this problem myself, maybe herbal things?  
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I hope you have found the way to heal.
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I get a itchy feeling in my throat, then that causes me to cough and sometimes I have to cough so hard to get it to stop. Then whatever side I get the itch on, that's what eye start running water. Also after the cough, I guess it's mucus or phlegm or however you spell it, that appears. Its been going on since April of this year and it calmed down one time then, but then it came back and this time it's worse because, while that's going on, i cough so hard until I have the urge to urinate. Don't mean to sound discussing but, this is what's going on with me doc.
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Hi, you probably have the answer by now.  I just want to tell you all of the pril's i.e. Lisinopril side effects is cough.  So don't be alarmed.
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