647391 tn?1275016633

Caffine Reaction???

Can a person really be allergic to Caffine?  I have been trying to stay away from Caffine and have cut back.  Yesterday and last night I had a bit of caffine and this morning I had a rash on my body and arms.  Is it possible?
Also, I have been dealing with the swealing of my face and neck for a long time.  It started with the right side of my face was inflammed, number and droopy.  I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy.  It settled down, but I have had episodes every since July.  Can it be the caffine the is a contributing factor?

2 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
I would have to agree that a person is more likely to be "sensitive" to things with caffeine, rather than having a "true" allergy, but the thing with sensitivities is that you still need to avoid the items like they are allergies in order to stop having symptoms.

While I have tested for things that I know I'm sensitive to and the tests come back negative for "true" allergies, I know I can't tolerate coffee, black tea, green tea or white tea.  Some people tried to tell me that white tea was so different.  It's not, because it all comes from the same plant.
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563773 tn?1374246539

True coffee or cocoa allergy is rare. More commonly, reactions to coffee  are the result of a food intolerance or allergy to an ingredient in it. Coffee contains .3 grams of protein per eight ounce cup. When such an allergy occurs,it may cause hives,swelling,itching,hoarseness of voice and difficulty in breathing and life threatening anaphylaxis.

Numbness,swelling and drooping cannot be explained by coffee allergy.I think that it can be due to Bell’s palsy manifestation.Best would be to consult a physician/neurologist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted if you have any additional queries

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