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Can Allergy/Sinus Cause Constant Head Pressure and Tinnitus?

Background: Retired from the Army in Nov and had a complete physical. Everything was fine except for lower back degenerative disk diease and mild hearing loss. All bloodwork was normal. Took a job in Iraq where I am currently. Arrived in Feb. In Jun, I was sick with extreme fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Saw a doctor in Jul and was given OTC headache meds. They did bloodwork that came back normal. Since that time I have had daily head pressure and tinnitus. The tinnitus comes and goes and can be really loud and annoying. Visited another doctor in Sep who thought it might be an allergic reaction and was given zyrtec for a month. No change with the head pressure. Saw an ENT in Oct who feels that it just a left-over from whatever made me ill in Jun and thinks it will get better with time. Have had this for 5 months.

NOTE: I am 44 and had never had a headache prior to this. Have never had any TMJ problems. Tinnitus was never a problem. Never noticed any allergies before this. Never had sinus problems. Am in decent health and walk daily for 45 minutes. Thought it might be some sort of reaction to something here in Iraq but do not have typical allergy or sinus symptoms.

Questions: 1) Can allergies or sinus cause the daily head pressure and tinnitus? No pain, just a heavy and tight feeling from my eyebrows, temples to the back of my head. Wake up with it. Only goes away when outside exercising. Constant dust inside and outside this place with pollution.  Extreme heat going from AC into 120 degree.  Has cooled off now, but symptoms remain.
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I've got a lot of the same symptoms as most of you. The thing that bothers me the most is the dizziness.  Started having the dizziness, blurry vision, balance issues, pressure headaches sometimes. upper teeth pain one side, about 7 years ago. 2 things happened that were different...I got 5 dogs & I had a double herniated disk in my neck, went to chiro, although it was touching my spine, surgeon said if I wasn't having pain...leave it alone. Never associated the symptoms with that. due to insurance issues, never really pursued an answer. I had breast cancer last year & went to so many appts, tests, lab work etc that the symptoms took a back seat. Now I'm back at my family Doctor telling her some of the symptoms....She referred me to a rheumatologist for testing positive for rheumatoid factor,  neck problem again, but neck & back x rays show arthritis. As far as the other complaints....She said to me 'sorry I couldn't do anything about your dizziness....Left me wondering, why I have her!
Trying to figure out where to go to first? I will see rheumatologist for sure first, but who to next,  The allergist or neurologist. I had a dust allergy as a child so wondering if its my animals. My symptoms of balance & dizziness really put a damper on the cruise I took. Felt like I  walked sideways the whole time. Getting ready to fly & it gives me some anxiety.
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I've had pretty much the same experiences many of you have had . . . Briefly, started with a wicked sinus infection that floored me before it was diagnosed. Since then (about 5 years ago) I've had recurring dizziness, foggy-headness, concentration problems, massive sinus/head pressure etc. Sometimes a bit better, sometimes a bit worse. Since I live in New York City, even going to work was difficult, what with the subway commute, the crowds, etc. I was starting to get pretty anxious about it, to point of the anxiety being a bad as the symptoms. My family doc even suggested that it was all anxiety and recommended that I see a psychiatrist for it (which I was willing to do, but didn't think that was the root of the problem).

But recently I saw an allergist on the off chance that some random allergy was causing this and he suggested pretty strongly that it might be migraines. I argued with him a bit, but looked into it further. . . Now I think he was correct. Not a "classic" migraine, but migraine nonetheless. On a recommendation I bought a book, "Heal You Headache, The 1-2-3 Program" by Dr. David Buchholz. Cheesy title, even cheesier cover art. Look it up on Amazon (and read the reviews). Shockingly, every symptom I had was covered in the book, what's more, with a reasonable explanation.

Basically, the idea is this (for those who care):
Most headaches are caused by the same mechanism (migraines, sinus, tension, hangovers, etc) which is swelling and constriction of the blood vessels around your head. This can affect your sinuses just as readily (that swollen, pulsing feeling).
What's confusing is that it's caused by a whole bunch of factors: your natural level of tolerance, the weather, hormones, medicines, food and stress/anxiety. Since most of these are fluctuating around all the time, it's nearly impossible to pin down any one factor that "causes" migraines. So his program, in short, is the following:
1. get rid of any "rebound" meds like decongestants, etc.
2. get on a diet that limits or eliminates the most common migraine triggers (things like caffeine, MSG, red wine, onions, fresh baked goods, etc). Hopefully you'll feel better in a couple months and can start adding back stuff carefully.
3. get migraine medication if that doesn't work after a few months

I've only started this a few weeks ago, but here's what I've found.
1.  had about a week of actual headaches when I stopped coffee. Ouch.
2. was taking about 4 anvil cold/sinus per day. Stopping those didn't affect anything at all, which was surprising, as those were the only things I thought helped.
3. I actually feel much more clear headed and less sinus issues. I do feel pulsing feelings at my temples by the end of the day, but that's minor compared to feeling someone was squeezing a band around my head, which is where I was before.
4. I'm a food guy, so the diet *****, but it's not crazy or too difficult if the sinus/head discomfort was bad enough to try it in the first place;)

I just talked to my doc and he was pretty cool about it (considering he thinks it may be all in my head, so to speak.) He admitted to not much experience with migraines and recommended a neurologist. I'll see him next week and let you know the results, but thought it was worth throwing it out there since so many of you seem to be at wits end (which I understand completely).

And, btw, lest you think I'm shilling this book, I'm not. I think it's definitely worth the $15 buck or whatever it costs (it's already saved me that in Advil costs), but if you don't buy it, no skin off my back. At the least it's something you can mention to your own doc. Thanks to everyone for posting up your stories and letting me know I'm not nuts! Hope this helps someone!
(I've noticed a few forum threads that were similar, I'll post this a couple times, sorry for seeming like I'm spamming if you see it elsewhere)

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I had the exact same issues for about 6 months.  Go see another doctor and try to get a different/stronger antibiotic and also request a steroid shot at the same time.  This will help clear you out right away and the stronger antibiotic should kill any infection.  Now you should also continue the steroid sprays to keep you clear and also take mucinex to keep things moving.  I hope this helps.
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Hi I am 23 years old and have been suffering with sinus problems for about 2 years. I have tried many sprays including precription sprays and nothing seems to work. I recently began steaming my nose, and using a neti-pot and even though I can breath through my nostrils, there is always a constant pressure between my eyes, under my nose. I get frequent headaches, and I feel like my head is going to explode. I feel particular pain when I breath in, and a mild relief when I push to breath out. I went through a round of antibotics which were completely useless, and feel like I am loosing hope. The pressure is the worst...I feel like I can't talk to anyone that long without getting extreamly tired or irritable. Has anyone had similar symptoms? I live in a dry environment, never have had accidents or allergies, I try using vics and a vaporizor but nothing helps. Any help would be AMAZING! I feel like its ruining my life
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I too live in the Ohio Valley and have all of the symptoms above.  I had
a bad virus at the end of May and it's been hell ever since.  I don't know
what it is but there sure is a lot of us having these same problems. I've been on antibiotics, had wisdom teeth pulled,
had my hearing tested, blah blah blah.  Nothing.  Tinnitus comes and goes but there is always dizziness, pressure,
stuffiness.  Wish there was an answer
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I came down with all the symptoms about 8 months ago. My wife was passing from cancer and it had me under huge amounts of stress. It started with the head cold from hell and just never really got better. The tinnitus was insane loud with neck,sinus and ear pain. The ENT had me on antibiotics for a CT scan verifyed sinus infection for 2 plus months. The next CT scan showed the sinus's were clear but all the sinus pain, earaches and tinnitus remained ? The ENT was brutal and said there was nothing more he could do ! I also had a dentist rule out TMJ.

I have been experimenting and found quiting my 15 cup per day coffee habit cleared up my nose and sinus congestion in about 3 weeks. The caffine withdrawal was horrific but I can breath through my nose for the first time in many months or even years really. I saw some place caffine inhibits histamine production and wonder if this has something to do with constant congestion ?

My tinnitus remains with off and on earaches and pain in my neck. The remaining symtoms seem to be ever so slowly fading and some days the tinnitus is so close to being gone only to come back the next day. I am unable to find any definite connection or reason for the good and bad days but am starting to feel its a stress thing ? My neck sounds crunchy with any movement and notice when its feeling better my tinnitus is better ?????? I saw in an earlier post for something called barre lieou syndrome and the stories sound very familliar.

So for what its worth - I dont think caffine is a direct cause of tinnitus but I am convinced it had a lot to do with sinus congestion. Caffine is also a diuretic and would cause constant dehydration / congestion ? I also read a story about 70% of anxiety patients who quit a six cup per day or greater coffee habit will have no symptoms in 6 months ? I mention this because anxiety seems to be a common thread on this board ?

If you're a big coffee drinker give this some thought. Im not cured yet but feel so much better !
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