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Can allegries or blocked sinuses cause a low grade fever?

I have had a low fever since yesterday. I don't know if it's becuase the pollen count in MO is high or if it's b/c my sinus passages are clogged. My nose bone is curved on the inside and my ent said that is causing my sinuses not to be able to drain properly. I had a sinus infection for over 2 months and it finally cleared up. Is it possible that I am getting another infection or is it b/c my allergies are clogged. My normal body temp is 97.5 so anything 98 or higher is a fever for me. I'm going to give it through the weekend and then call my ent on Monday.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Yes sinus infection can cause fever but clogging of sinuses due to allergies is less likely to cause any fever until and unless it is accompanied by an infection which may be viral or bacterial in nature. It can also be due to chronic sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by infections of the upper respiratory tract, allergies and deviated nasal septum .Other suspected causes include mold or fungi in the sinuses.

I feel that you need to get an evaluation from an ENT surgeon and get a course of antibiotics and sinus drainage. You may also require sinus surgery.

I hope it helps. Take care and please do keep us posted on how you are doing. Kind regards.

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I had a ct scan on March 31 and the ENT said that my sinus infection had finally cleared up(had it since the end of January). I do have a messed up nose bone which is causing sinuses not to be able to drain properly.
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