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Hives with Chest Pain

I have recently woke up with hives covering my body; especially my hands and the back of my neck and head.  I went to the doc who gave me a steroid shot, prescribed predinsone, and doxyeline for itching.  This seems to help some with the external hives.  But the next day I woke up with my chest extremely tight, like a ton of bricks were sitting on it, I couldn't swallow very well and as the sip of liquid or piece of food would go down the esophagus, it was a clenching acute pain like it was stuck there.  I feel myself clenching my teeth and also have the gassy feeling of trapped gas.  My PCP told me I was ok so long as I could breath.  If I stopped breathing I should dial 911.  By Sunday I went to urgent care and an older gentlemen there told me I wasn't presenting correctly ( which I find ironic).  I was presenting him with my symptoms; and just because it's not "textbook" for hives he thought I might have an underlying cardiac problem.  He also said he thought I should go to the ER if I couldn't breathe.  Otherwise, just deal with those crazy symptoms of mine!  Today I am trying to get an appointment with an allergist.  I just want the chest pain to go away.  The hives I can deal with!  I told the older doctor that I had looked up on line and found quite a few people who have chest pain with hives; I'm not the only one.  All he said was, "hmmm no doubt"......  Unfortunately, the one on the internet are also looking for answers and there seems to be too few of them out there.    
2 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
Allergies involve inflammation. All of the tubing in your lungs could be inflamed. That would cause difficulty breathing. I had an uncomfortable feeling in my lungs for a couple of years. No one could find anything wrong with me and suggested I see a shrink. (Well, I wasn't wasting my money on that nonsense.) It finally turned out to be an allergy to oranges. My first allergy. I stopped eating oranges and I was fine.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, there are many reasons for congestion in chest. If you are having difficulty in breathing and congestion then may be a asthma. Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airway and mainly arises from allergies. Hence you have allergy in past few days; there is release of endogenous histamine which causes bronchospasm and breathlessness. Some of the common characteristics or symptoms of asthma are recurrent breathing problems, breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness, coughing etc.

Some other causes for congestion are inflammation, heart disorders, pleurisy etc. You need to undergo endoscopy and ECG if you are having discomfort. Avoid fried processed food, curd, heavy milk products as they increase mucus secretion, drink warm water, avoid over eating, guava, papaya, banana, steam inhalation etc. You can take antibiotic if infection and broncho dilator may help. I suggest you to consult physician for further evaluation. Take care and regards.
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