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Celiac disease

My brother is suffering from celiac disease from last few months. Exact time we are not aware but we came to know about it when doctor told us to go through some blood test for it and endoscopy.
Can you please let me know about the actual treatment for this disease and he is having rashes on his face as well as on his back due to this disease.
Do let me know about this as soon as possible
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1340994 tn?1374193977
The treatment is dietary changes.  Your brother will likely be sent to a dietician, who can help him learn how to protect himself from all traces of gluten.  If you live from him, the easiest way to protect him is to have the home go mostly gluten-free as far as what is cooked in the home.  For instance, he can't use the same toaster for his gluten-free bread as is used for regular bread.

It's a lot more than just bread, but it is a healthy diet and the payoff is feeling better and having all the secondary autoimmune risks decrease.  Cancer risk goes back down to normal also with adherence to the diet.  It can be expensive, but you just try to base it on unprocessed, safe meat, poultry and fish and unprocessed fruits and vegetables.  Certain grains, malt, regular beer, most soy sauce ... there is a lot to avoid.  It's a learning process, but when he gets it right he will feel better.  He may be vitamin depleted right now, so a gluten-free whole foods type vitamin is helpful.  L-glutamine powder is helpful.  A probiotic is helpful.  Besides the dietician, healthfood stores sometimes have very knowledgeable people.  
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can it be cured or its a life long problem?
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