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Cetirizine Withdraw causing horrific ongoing Hives. Relief?

Back in May of 2011 I was bit by a venomous spider and was put on a steroid to reduce the swelling of the cyst that I obtained caused by resulting bite. When I got off the medicince, about 3-4 days later I broke out in the most horrific hives, from my head to my groin. Went to a doctor and was priscribed over the counterver  Zyrtec/Cetirizine for the hives. Took them and immediately the hives vanished. Everything was going fine until the hives started to come back more and mroe regularly to the point I had to start taking the Zyrtec everyday to control them. Did some researching because I was getting some of the more annoying side effects of the drug (dry nose, insomia and ringing ears) and discovered several small communities of people that reported that going cold turkey on ceterizine caused hives. Learning this, went on a 4 month itchy struggle to get off the drug, taking lower and lower doses until I only have the occasional minute outbreak of hives. I have no known food, dander, chemical, or fabric allergy, and have never had hives untill this year.
I was wondering if any one knew a way or had any suggestions to relieve some of the hive symptoms?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Hives develop in response to an allergic reaction, by the release of histamine. The allergen can be medications, food, extremes of temperature, exercise and viral infections to name a few. Since you developed the outbreak after the spider bite, it could be the most likely cause.

Therapy lies in identifying the allergens and avoiding them and anti histamines. An allergy specialist can help identify the allergens and may help to desensitize.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Hello, I had an outbreak of hives last week for the second time in my life.  I washed those areas with lye soap.  The hives were gone within two days.  You can get the soap for about $5/bar on ebay or locally from an Amish store.  I also use lye soap if i have an eczema outbreak.  
Hope this helps
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