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Chance cellulitis will return...what antibiotics are best.

Diagnosed with cellulitis. I took bactrim 5 1/2 days and then had allergic reaction - burning, needle like, numbing feelings, swelling. Also a few chills. I was told to take benadryl every 4-6hrs, pepcid twice a day. Saw dr. the next day. Was given clindamycin 150mg 4x day and took that for 2 1/2 days and was told to stop because I continued with bad reactions. I am afraid that the bacteria was not killed and will return. What do you all think?  I am now allergic to bactrim, penicillin and possibly clindamycin, so are there any other antibiotics that can kill cellulitis should it return?
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Thanks for your thoughtfullness. The antibiotics seemed to haven taken care of the cellulitis. Just dealing with the allergic reactions from the bactrim. That is much better too, and doctor says make take up to 6 months to totally go away - small fiber neuropathy.  
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209987 tn?1451935465
Sorry for the slow reply...trying to catch up as fast as I can.

Hope you're feeling much better.
Has this been sorted out, or are you still in need of help?
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