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tiny white puss like balls that have a horrific odor

I have been sneezing alot lately and tiny white puss like balls have been coming out of my throat. They have an awful odor when you smash them. I know that sounds disgusting, but I am at a loss as to what they are and what causes them.
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My bestfriend has these, and they are horrific. My friend is extremely overweight, classed under morbidly obese. I am not at all worried about her weight, but these vile puss balls in the back of her throat often end up on my face when she coughs or sneezes. They often burn and sometimes come out of her bottom. When they come out her bottom, instead of brown poo it is entirely whitey yellow. How disgusting is that?
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I only had them when i had a virus or strep.
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I too have tonsil stones.  They are no big deal and no harm is caused by them, other than an annoying feeling in your throat every once in a while or bad breath.  Just remove them when they get to big with a water pick or your finger.
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You should get her tested for mono right away.
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My daughter has been breathing out of her mouth for the last 6 days.  No fever, or runny nose or coughing.  She has a lot of white mucus on her throat.  They ruled out strep and think it is a vius.  But since she hasn't had a fever I was wondering if it could be allergy related.  Can allergies cause white mucus on the throat?  And can allergies show up as a virus in the blood?
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125112 tn?1217273862
They are called tonsiliths or tonsil stones. If you do an online search, you'll get a better understanding of them. Trust me, many people have these and nothing to worry about here.
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