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Cheilitis? Lip inflammation

For three months now I’ve been suffering with constant inflammation on my lower lip which started all of a sudden. It all started with some redness in across the mid-section of lower lip line. Eventually I had what looked like a canker sore on the left side. It turned into a huge erosion. My dermatologist prescribed Clobetasol 0.05% which slowly made it heal. But other parts of the lip start to break out in erosions…meanwhile the upper lip started to get really red and peel this white skin that could be wiped off easily. The clobetasol was able to control it…but erosions threaten to break out all the time…also the around the lip line I get little red dots which eventually turn into a vermilion…they come and go…some days my lips look almost normal…but the erosions can start without no warning and if I don’t use Clobetasol they keep eroding. When the erosions are about to break out they pinch and are painful… I already did a biopsy which came out with nothing and all the allergy tests possible came out negative. The problem is: everywhere I go, the doctors don’t seem to know what’s causing this. I have genital herpes, but so far have had only one break out 15 years ago. Your help would be very much appreciated!
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Since when are you having the symptoms? What is your age? Do you smoke?

Some causes of the symptoms you mention, could be lip biting, lip licking, Vit.B2 deficiency, smoking, overexposure to sun and ill fitting dentures. In extreme cases, this could be due to bacterial or fungal skin infection.

You need to drink plenty of water daily – around 1.5 – 3 litres per day and eat a balanced diet. Do not keep your lips dry; apply lip balm which contains sunscreen – preferably a medicated one.

If you have cracks at the corner of your mouth it indicates B2 deficiency in this case you need to take B2 supplements.

If the symptoms still persist, consult your skin specialist or dermatologist.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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I'm going thru the EXACT same thing as you! Let me know if you find anymore info. I need more solutions but i'm gonna start with the B2 and go from there
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