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Chronic Hives (Urticara)

My hives started 15 years ago and i have had every test going. Every antihistamin and natural herbal remedy. I was even sent to Harley Street London and was tested there. I get big red weals all over from top to bottom and so itchy and burning sensation that makes me feel sick. It isn't so bad at the moment as the weather is warm. I found out by myself that if a part of my body is not covered i will have hives, this is at its worse in the winter. I have woken up during the night feeling chilly and the duvet has fallen off of me and the bits of me that are exposed i get covered with hives, the bits that are not (covered or warm) are completely free. Also if i go swimming, in the water im fine, as soon as i come out of the water i get covered in hives. Its so strange that it could be temperature, I don't know wether anybody else has had this, i notice from the forum that many women have hives before or after a period, could this also be a temperature thing? I do on bad attacks take zirtec, i don't like taking tablets everyday and just now live with it. I do feel for anybody that has this on their face neck etc, not only can it be dangerous but looks so unsightly it makes you so miserable..
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535822 tn?1443976780
I too get hives and Dermographism, the heat affects mine, you probably have the Aquatic Hives a lot of folks are allergic to water.look at some of the other threads about it. I was hive free for a while but it has raged this past year,Good Luck I have tried everything .
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