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Chronic Thick Post Nasal Drip

I went to my doctor when experiencing thick post nasal drip, dizziness, puffy eye and she diagnosed me with a sinus infection and put me on augmenten for 10 days. The mucus is now clear but the thick clear sticky post nasal drip is still chronic. I'm constantly snorting and spitting up mucus. I went to the ENT and he prescribed Nasonex and Mucinex. But it did not help. He then did a scope and found an abudnance of thick sticky mucus and he suctioned some of it out. He said everything else looked okay. He then prescribed 4mg Medrol for six days and I'm still not any better. I went back to my regular GP and she prescribed Aciphex and Clarinex. I've been taking that now for 3 days but no relief yet. I'm really frustrated, exhausted and worried. Can anyone help????
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of chronic sinusitis. The causes of these are bacterial infection like streptococcal, staphylococcal, Tuberculosis, Bronchiectasis and Fungal infections.

This can be associated with postnasal drip and throat clearing. This can in turn irritate the throat lining. You need to send the sputum or throat swab for culture, microscopy, staining to rule out the pathogen and should also take chest radiograph. Antibiotic sensitivity of culture will decide the effective drug. Another possibility is there can be fungal colonization wherein augmentin is ineffective. In such cases anti fungal are quiet effective. You may also undergo endoscopic procedures for drainage if no relief from conservative methods.  

Firstly I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for possible causes and further management. Take care and regards.
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Thank you for your reply. I did ask GP about the possibility of fungal infection and was told that it was not but just from visual exam. Both my GP and ENT say that since the mucus is clear there is no infection. Is is possible this is from Acid Reflux? And is there a test or procedure to know for sure? I'm considering going to my GI doctor.
Just also want to state that I never had stuffy nose or runny nose only the thick post nasal drip. Thanks for your help.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, yes you can get evaluated for reflux esophagitis, where the acid from stomach travels backwards to esophagus (food pipe). You need to get evaluated for 24hrs gastric PH and endoscopy if needed. Otherwise the drugs like proton pump inhibitors and antacid, against prescription, daily for 2-3weeks may help. Take care and regards.
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