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Confusing and Irritating symptoms

I have had burning, painful eyes and severe itching on head and body, but no rashes. HELP me I dont know what to do. Allergies maybe??
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it typically suggests atopic dermatitis with allergic conjunctivitis which is exaggerated or precipitated during cold season or timing. This condition is sometimes associated with asthma.

The triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms. Hence, you need to maintain a diary of tings you are and you are not allergic to. A vigorous search for allergen is required.

A careful Allergen-specific testing includes Skin testing, Serum tests for allergy, Allergen challenge and as well as Evaluation for concurrent conditions like Sinusitis and Asthma is necessary and it directs further steps for management. Once, the allergen is known, you need to prevent further exposure to it.

Treatment of the attack includes oral anti histaminic and topical low potent glucocorticoids against prescription.  

I suggest you to consult allergy specialist. Take care and regards.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I think that yes it may be allergies I have my eyes irritating and mine is from plants and gardens, also we have a lot of heat where i live in California.I have treid drops , they dont really work well , itchy scalp can also be allergies I am told .
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