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Constant smell of cigarette smell in my nasel passage

For 8 days now I have had this constant smell of cigarette smoke in my nasel passage.  I went out last Sat. night with some girlfriends & they were all smoking (at her house,  &in her truck)  I do not smoke nor does anyone in my family)  Since then I can not get this smell out of my noise.  I have read some other people's messages & I can not believe other people have experienced the same thing.  I do beleive it could have something to do with stress/ anxiety.  My Dad died suddendly in May & my world has been very stressful with other 'stuff happening as well this year.  Any suggestions on how I can get this smell out of my nose????
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563773 tn?1374246539

Without examination it is very difficult to confirm a diagnosis, but the symptoms are suggestive of allergies to smoke or air borne allergies.Other possibilities may be recent sinusitis,nasopharyngeal problems, olfactory hallucination {(phantosmia)you detect smells that are not really present in your environment}and disorders in the smell perception centres.

In my opinion,a consultation of an ENT specialist or an allergist will be the best.People who are allergic to smoke can smell it even if a little smoke is present in their surroundings..

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.
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I used a zinc based nasal decongestant called Zicam and burned the inside of my nose. Shortly thereafter I started to smell cigarette smoke and confronted my new neighbor in the condo next door. He doesn't smoke. I thought I was all alone until I found this thread.
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1307174 tn?1273309503
Me to said the cat. Seriously. I think it's more spiritual than medical. I'm under a bit stress, only smell the smoke in or near my house. It happens often. I wanted to confront my neighbors as well. I work late on my website and that's when I smell the smoke most offen. Granpa? You there? Or do I need nazel spray? Kevin
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I am surprised and relieved too to find so many people having the same problem as mine. I do not smoke myself but, last month when some friends came over to my house, they smoked. Though they had been in my house only for an evening, I cannot get rid of this smoke smell everywhere around myself. At first I thought something was burning or somebody smoking in the neighbourhood, but after I found nothing of the sort, I understood that this smoke and burning smell is only within my respiratory tract. Whats the solution? Its killing me!!
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OMG and I was thinking that I was going crazy, but I guess it is a common problem.  So far I don't have a response to the smoke smells.  I just can think that it is a sinus problem.  Many years ago I had the same problem I went to the ENT where they did a sinus flush consisting of saline solution. It may help.  Just think, if you often have sinus problems, congestion etc, eventually the sinus cavities will become clogged with mucous that retains odors.   That's way I think that a sinus flush may help.
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I am new to this problem.  I kept asking everyone if they smelled smoke.  Last night it was really strong and I thought this is weird, so I googled "Medical Condition Smelling Smoke," and I was happy to find out that I wasn't alone.  After reading many posts, the commmonalities I have found are those who started smelling smoke after an illness.  I had flu like symptoms with a fever and the only thing I took was Zicam tablets.  I noticed that you too used Zicam in a spray.  This just got me thinking that this could be caused by a virus, but interesting that you used Zicam too.
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I have this too. It's been for at least a couple of weeks. At work (no smoking environment), in my car (no one would DARE smoke in my car), in my bed, living room, everywhere!! Another website suggested mental illness and/or brain tumours. I haven't seen anything in ths forum (yet) suggesting the same root causes, though they do stick out as distinct possibilities. Amazed that there are really so many people dealing with it. If it's not caused by mental illness, it may drive me to the point of insanity. I can not stand this smell. I have to keep spraying air fresheners or openning leftovers in the fridge or jars of spices to get a break from the smell and smell something different. It is constant. Seriously, I need a break from this.
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I am so relieved to read that I am not the only person smelling smoke. No one smokes in my home so I was going to check with my neighbors just to make sure that I am not going crazy but when I started smelling the smoke in my car and at my second property, I decided to search the web for some possible answers. After reading all of these post, I am going to see my doctor. I'll post any findings.
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Many times people are actually smelling smoke.  Cigarette smoke stays in fabric as well as on walls.  A painter I know said he has to do extra coats of paintwhen painting a smoker's apartment.  Cigarette smoke in car is something I get a lot due to the ac bringing it into the car if anyone around me is smoking a cigarette......the other point isthat cigarette smoke does as any kind of smoke, does seem to linger in nasal passages.....use a saline spray and it will go away.
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I've spoken with a few physicians and none of them have a clue why I am experiencing smelling smoke without being near any smoke at all so, I started asking myself what am I doing now that I was not doing before. The only new activity added to my daily routine in the past 3 months, is the use of enzyme supplements. Is anyone on this conversation thread using enzymes? Just trying to see if there may be a connection.
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Well, it's taken me a couple of months to finally research this issue. I smell cigarette smoke all the time and I'm no where near it. I can't stand it, I can't even breath well. After reading these posts and a few other articles, I'm making an appointment with an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist. I need this to go away!
If any of you have seen a specialist since you left a post, please, let me know what you found out. Thanks so much!
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Add me to the list of those who smell smoke when nobody else can. I definitely think I'm allergic to smoke because I start coughing and my eyes start watering, etc., like with other allergies. Worst part is that the apartment complex I live in doesn't (and won't) take this seriously. I told them I was allergic to smoke when I moved in 18 months ago. Things were mostly ok until they moved a smoker in downstairs from me about 4 months ago. I finally talked to the manager a couple weeks ago and she reminded me this is NOT a smoke-free complex. I knew that, however there's a clause in my lease which states that smokers shall not allow their smoke/smoking to bother other residents. Guess she said something to them because it's been MUCH better and now instead of smelling smoke more often than not, I only get a whiff of it every couple of days.
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is there a remedy for this hideous problem, I am over it every time I go into town, cooking oils and smoke bring on a constant smell of smoke in my sinuses and irritated eyes as if someone is puffing smoke in my face. Any suggestion on how to heal this problem?
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Try washing the jacket you wore when all your friends were smoking near you.
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I started smelling cigarette smoke very heavily on Sunday April 22,2012. It is as though someone is blowing it right in my face and it completely takes my breath away. I feel very ill from it. It is constant, no matter where I go, it is there....

.I was wondering, we just had a new unit put in our home, could it be leaking? and if so, would it stay in my nasal passages to where I would smell the cigarette smoke when I'm away from home? I was thinking maybe the men who installed my unit might have left a pack of cigs in the vents or something, but that couldn't be, realistically.....I am going insane from this.

It is getting harder and harder to breath. My nose, eyes, throat and chest have begun to burn and I am actually beginning to cough up mucous from this. I have had a dull headache since the 22nd.

I have hypothyroidism and have recently been changed from synthroid to Armour thyroid meds. I am also severly anemic and not taking iron, which I am about to start tonight after reading about ozena. I do have the exact symptoms of Ozena.

As far as stress goes....I don't know what could be stressing me.

I will be contacting my Dr. tomorrow, she will be given some of these reviews to see that I'm not crazy and it's not just me. Hopefully we will get to the root of the problem and I will surely post updates as I find them out myself.
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Its a spirit! If you are experiencing this at night and are being awakened by the smell of cigarette as though someone is in the room with you smoking, this is the spirit of someone you know he or she probably did not smoke but this is the scent that there spirit gives off to let you know they are next to you! Don't be scared! It's natural
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Oh thanks HEAVENS!!! I seriously thought I was going crazy. Reading all these posts made me aware I'm not the only one, and I said "yup!, that's exactly what happening to me.". I know I have drove my husband and daughter absolutely nuts, asking "Can't you smell it!!??" "Why am I the only one that smells it!!??". And being furious because they can't. I have gone from a very energetic, happy, silly, and fun loving person to this depressed blob on the couch wishing for lighting to strike me dead so I could get some relief from the cigarette smell. (I tried using Vicks Vapor Rub at night to dull the smell, it doesn't work) :(

It has bothered me and drove my poor family so crazy we have even put our 1/2 of our duplex of 12 years up for sale. (Our new neighbor smokes). I move room to room in the house trying to find somewhere that I can't smell it so I can get a few hours of sleep. And I usually wake up from the smell being so overwhelming.

It gives me some relief that there are things I can try, or even having a doctor flush my sinuses.
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Oh thanks HEAVENS!!! I seriously thought I was going crazy. Reading all these posts made me aware I'm not the only one, and I said "yup!, that's exactly what happening to me.". I know I have drove my husband and daughter absolutely nuts, asking "Can't you smell it!!??" "Why am I the only one that smells it!!??". And being furious because they can't. I have gone from a very energetic, happy, silly, and fun loving person to this depressed blob on the couch wishing for lighting to strike me dead so I could get some relief from the cigarette smell. (I tried using Vicks Vapor Rub at night to dull the smell, it doesn't work) :(

It has bothered me and drove my poor family so crazy we have even put our 1/2 of our duplex of 12 years up for sale. (Our new neighbor smokes). I move room to room in the house trying to find somewhere that I can't smell it so I can get a few hours of sleep. And I usually wake up from the smell being so overwhelming.

It gives me some relief that there are things I can try, or even having a doctor flush my sinuses.
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I smell cigarette smoke of a good smelling cigarette similar to one my neighbor use to smoke but he moved out more than one year ago - long before this situation started after being hospitalized for blood clot in my leg and LUNG. I am home now and i constantly smell this cigarette smoke.
(p.s., i  used to enjoy second hand smoke.)
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Happens to me after I'm overexposed to cigarette smoke.  A lung scan showed they're pitted and scarred from working in an allergen-filled environment ("farmer's lung").  Smoke, which is a fume (contains solid particles) was hiding out in the lung tissue and fluid, causing me to smell it constantly until the last bit of it was gone. This is common in people who are sensitive to allergens in general.  
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Hi, I had same problem at work from yesterday. I smelled smoked behind my desk and asked other to come and see if they smell  but they did not. since morning I smelled smoked badly at home . I accused my son that he smoked  . He said I'm not smoking at all . He had lung collapse last month. However he try to convince me he doesn't smoke, I just accused him. I'm glad to realized other people wrote their  same problem as mine in this page. I'll go for a scan next week .  I don't want to get brain tumor!!!! Thanks
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I cant smell nothing exept of this terrible smoke.I have  nose polyps,coeliacs(autoimmune disease), fructose intollerance and mould
allergy., I can feel wheat, rye, oats field in 1-2 km(my eyes begin to burn).And the greatest my dream is  to get rid from this smoke smell.I now it is in mucus tat comes from my nose.Only under the blanket to breathe is not normal, we all need real help.I have tried medication with zink, but it doesnt help  
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I have the same problem but it comes and goes I have been told from some well it is a spirit, but what I think it is ... for me is stress I have been really stressed out for a week now due to some issues going on with my brother and dad and I had not smelled it for a few months until now. For some it is due to from what I am reading is allergies or an illness, but I really think for a lot of others including myself it is a stress related issue.
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I agree with you about it being related to some kind of stress.  I've had this problem for over 10 years often and on and it always happens when I'm stressed.  It could be that my immune system is down and my sinus is affected some kind of way.  Or maybe it is a spirit, but whatever it is it seems as if someone is blowing smoke right into my face and my eyes get watery and my facial skin burns.  It's very annoying, but better than having a tumor, which I hope it is not. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one with it.  As it is happen to me right now as we correspond.
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