1483061 tn?1287748824

Constant smell of cigarette smoke

I see other people with this annoying smell of cigarette smoke in their noses, thank goodness for that... thought it was just me.  We recently moved and I thought perhaps my neighbors smoked and it was coming through the walls, or maybe just having turned on the central heating had something to do with it.  Then I had a breakthrough and decided it's a side effect of my Thyroid medication that I started to take about 1.1/2 months ago.  So my questions is -  those of you experiencing this constant smell of cigarette smoke, are you taking thyroid medication also, or have you recently begun taking some other medication that could be having this same side effect?

This discussion is related to constantly smelling cigarette smoke.
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I have talked with many people who have this condition, phantosmia.  I have never heard it linked with thyroid medication, but it has been associated with some medications.  It is usually triggered by a cold or sinus infection that could have been as long as 6 months prior to the onset of the phantome smell.  

I highly recommend that you research phantosmia and see what resources you can find.  There are quite a few out there.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, smoky or such strange smell can be present in certain conditions and it is termed as Parosmia (abhorrent odor perception). It is usually associated with rhinosinusitis, head trauma, viral infection, or oral problems.

It frequently disappears with successful treatment of the above mentioned conditions.

Apart from treatment of the cause or in conditions wherein the cause remains unknown, in such conditions Anti seizure or anti epileptic medication like clonazepam against prescription is sometimes helpful esp. in persistent cases.

You can use scented wax or incense sticks before sleeping. You also need to maintain good sleep hygiene. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist to rule out the cause. Take care and regards.
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thank you!!!!!!
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Has this condition been given a name? I was just wondering because I live in a apartment building were the neighbor about me tells the landlord all the time that im smokeing below him every day. I am not at anytime. I beleive he is suffering from the same problem as many others on here but doesnt know it. I would like to have all the information possible for the next time I speak with my landlord so I can inform her of this condition and that it might be to blame.
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