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Coping with Mint allergy/sensitivity

Am I the only one who reacts badly to anything mint?  Cause I'm sure feeling lonely...

It wouldn't be so bad, except... Mint is EVERYWHERE!   I have to order expensive toothpaste because the normal stuff stings like crazy and makes me nauseous.  Cherry tastes like medicine.  And I can only tollerate cinnamon in very small doses (like what's mixed in the sugar for cinnamon toast small).  I have yet to discover a brand of mouthwash that does not contain mint in some form or other - or else the cinnamon kind makes first burns then makes my mouth go numb.  Ditto for breath mint alternatives.  (I can't even handle a Tic-Tac in my mouth for more than a few seconds, much less chew on it or swallow it.)

Face clensers with menthol stung, and also left my face feeling greasy.  But not in the haven't washed my face often enough way.

I don't know how much money I've wasted on cough drops/throat lozenges, chapstick, lotions, etc, only to discover after application that, you got, there is mint of some sort in it.  

And sadly, avoidance seems to have only made reactions worse.  Just the smell of other people's mints (breath mints, candy mints, peppermint sticks) makes me feel ill.  And the first time I consumed any in eight years, it was an accident, had half of a mint Brussells cookie, and a stomach ache for a good twenty minutes.

Anyone else here that *look* when you tell others you and mint don't get along?  Care to share your symptoms?  Your coping/mint alternatives?  

163 Responses
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i'm allergic to mint, spearmint, menthol and i get a stomach/head ache, throat ache, cold, running nose, cough and can get worse into a throat, chest and ear infection. I took my ages to cut mint out my life but i've done it and i don't really get ill much anymore - touch wood!
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i'm allergic to mint, spearmint, menthol and i get a stomach/head ache, throat ache, cold, running nose, cough and can get worse into a throat, chest and ear infection. I took my ages to cut mint out my life but i've done it and i don't really get ill much anymore - touch wood!
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2196056 tn?1338463572
I am also allergic to ANY KIND of  mint, menthol, peppermint and spearmint when i breath it in,eat,drink it,touch it,ect i eather get hives and ich for 5weeks or my thoat,tounge,hands and face swell up and have to call 911 it ***** cuz mint,menthol,peppermint and spearmint is EVERYWHERE and i smoke cigs so i have to make sure the cigs im buying doesnt have mint,menthol,peppermint and spearmint in the flavor
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Thank you!!! I'm 17 and have always believed I'm allergic to mint but everyone just thinks its kind of silly. Thankfully I've never really like mint anyway. Things such as gum, toothpaste, and breathmints (even in the smallest amount) burn my mouth so badly!! And three years ago I accidentally chewed a full stick of mint gum and almost went into anaphylactic shock. If I consume of mint I have a reaction like that, (my throat will feel weird and start to close up), and then for the next week or so it'll be like I have a very bad cold. Recently before my ACT test I had a bite of a cookie that had mint in it (I didn't know it did) and I had to leave in the middle of the test.
I dont really use chopsticks so I can't help you there, but for gum I always eat the Trident citrus, and for toothpaste I use Oral-B Stages (it's a kids toothpaste but it doesnt have mint and it actually tastes good)
It's good to know people have the same reactions that I do :)
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2159597 tn?1336821761
so i tried icebreakers for the first time and 2 hours later my mouth had lost some layers to it and it developd blisters and it doesnt matter if it is mint or fruity do you know what i may be haveing an allergy too oh btw im 17.
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2138118 tn?1336024297
im the same way any kind of mint will make my thoat swell shut i cant touch,eat,breath,ect every kind of mint and mint is EVERYWHERE its so annoying i have to use children toothpast and read EVERYTHING before i buy it,use it,touch it,eat,ect and i have to carry a ipy pen with me at all times just in case i go somewhere and breath in,touch,eat,use,ect any kind of mint
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