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Feeling cold but sweating excessively

I have been diagnosised with fibromyalgia x 1 year.  I am now having the feeling of freezing on the inside but am sweating excessively.  My hair is literally dripping wet.  I am cold and clammy to the touch.  I feel as if I have the worst flu symptoms ever.  I have researched everything and cannnot find these particular symptoms. My doctor called them "going through the change"; I had a hysterectomy @ 20 years ago.  The symptoms last for days not for minutes. It is NOT flushing.  I also have Type II diabetes dependent on insulin injections.  I take Lyrica and Cymbalta for Fibromyalgia.  I would be appreciative of any help!  Thanks,
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I had this and was diagnosed w Lyme disease and Babesia.  Babesia in particular (both are infections), will do this.  Please get tested by a reputable lab like Igenex by an LLMD (google if necessary).  It will not go away on its own and will get more serious as time goes on if this is the cause.  
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oh...food seems irrelevant as well...some sweats at night common, esp. around the neck/hairline area...i sleep with a towel on my pillow...
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thanks...i have the same problem as you it seems. but am male..and it's being going of for about two years, the summer was ok, but with fall i get chilled within minutes, overheat with clothing or hot beverage or food, so remove clothing, etc and the cycle continues...frustrating! I do have a shoulder impingement currently, so dont' know if that is related or separate, but like i said, i did have it all last  winter too...temp appears normal tho???? cold and sweaty...terribly hot, followed by more cold...
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351246 tn?1379682132

There are many causes for excessive sweating. Refer: http://www.parsec.it/summit/hyper1e.htm

Hypoglycemia that is low sugar in blood too causes excessive sweating and a feeling of chill. You must monitor your blood sugar, especially since you are on insulin. Next time that you have this episode please see if taking some quick sugars like glucose, glucose biscuit etc gives relief. If you feel better on eating, the symptoms are most likely due to low sugar. This can be dangerous, hence need to see your specialist at the earliest. He will monitor your sugar throughout the day, so if there are spells of low sugar it will be caught.

The other reason could be menopause, as your doctor said. However you need to rule out hypoglycemia or low sugar spells.

Let me know what your doctors say. If you need more help, please feel free to contact. I’ll be happy to answer your queries. Please keep me posted.

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