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Could all of this be caused by allergies?.

Hi there

I am a 48 year old male with a history of chronic sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. I also have a deviated septum on the left side. Allergies run very deep in my family and this year (from what I understand) has been an especially harsh time for people suffering from allergies.

Anyway, for the past few months (off and on) I have been waking up in the mornings feeling like I've been through the wringer (ie; sinus headache, head spinning, really loopy and out of it, intense brain fog, clogged up head, eyes hurt and watery, congestion, pressure, feeling like I'm about ready to jump out of my skin, etc). I tend to sleep in very late (until about noon) and it takes me hours just to feel like anything resembling "normal" again and start my day. Sometimes it can be pretty debilitating and I don't even feel all that good until much later in the evening (if then).

I did have about 3 really good days where I felt a lot better but just about the time I thought I was over the hump, it hit me pretty hard again. I've been getting low-grade fevers of about 99.00+ every so often too (and 100.6 once) so maybe a sinus infection going on here or something. The intermittent low-grade fevers are nothing new. I've had them for ages but they seem to have started up again after an intense period of severe stress and high anxiety.

I've had tons of blood tests (even lots of rare and unusual ones), seen the doctor, neurologist, opthamologist, etc. Also had an MRI of head and neck. I also suffer from cervical arthritis, Tourettes, GAD, OCD, GERD, Gastritis, IBS, etc. I've been using Astelin nasal spray which seems to work pretty good but the last few times, I've actually gotten even worse after using it. Pretty miserable and with my anxiety, it sometimes feels like I'm losing my mind!.

Anyone else going through this with similar symptoms?.

- Thanks, Need2bHealthy
2 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
May I ask what if any meds you take as there could be some side effects here?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms could be due to sinusitis. But certain infections like tuberculosis can cause an evening rise of temperature, which is low grade and increased sweating. This also causes a loss of appetite; as such this is accompanied by weight loss. So, record your temperatures, on a two hourly basis to detect an evening rise of temperature.  Please check with your doctor to rule out this condition. It can be detected by blood tests, X rays and a skin test.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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