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allergic cough in 6 year old

My step son was here over the weekend. He had a cough so bad that it at times made him gag and short of breath. Taking a dring does not seem to help stop the coughing. It seems to happen everywhere home, car, restuarents, ect. It does not seem to happen when he is active and not thinking about it. Example we went to a parade and he did not cough we also went to chuckie cheese and he did not cough. His mother took him to the doctor today and then called us to inform us that he had and accute upper resporitory infection with a touch of asthma brought on by allergies. She is also stating that he must be alergic to something in out home. We bought a new home 3 months ago and nothing has changed no new soaps, animals, ect. I don't see how it is possable for him to become alergic to our house three months after we move in and have the same alergic recation after the leaves the home. These coughing fits have happened in past years I believe around the sdame time of year but I am not positave since I have never tracked it. I do know that this is the first weekend it has been really bad since we have moved. If anyone can give me any insite on childrens alergies I would appreciate it. Thanks
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My kids have a mild case of asthma and do the same thing. It's usually something outdoors that causes it. Also, they get that type of cough when they have had a virus as it usually attacks the lung area. It might last a couple weeks or so. Just make sure if you smoke, not to do it around him.  A dr can prescribe a cough med with codeine or rynatuss, that helps mine a lot. If you don't have a cat or dog indoors then I'd say the mom is just trying to blame you for some of her own issues. (My husband has an ex-wife as well). Take care and good luck with that. Oh, one last thought is that if you just moved it may be new carpet irritating him, but if you can get warm weather and open up the windows, this will help.
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Thanks for your help. We do have both a cat and a dog but they do not bother him all year and they are indoor animals. Also we did just have the carpet pulled up and have all new hardwood floors. We are going to suggest he go to see an allergist before she make unfounded accusations. Thanks again
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Sounds like you are a very caring person. Your step-son is so lucky. Try not to blame yourselves, though. Allergies can come on anywhere! It's probably not just your home. Best of luck and take care.tmv
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