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Dangers of long-term Phenergan usage?

Hi, I have severe allergies and the resulting nasal congestion and asthma makes it very hard for me to sleep at night. I have tried dozens of sedatives and sleeping drugs (as well as the whole meditation, therapy angle) and surprisingly, the most effective solution has been 20 - 25mg of phenergan each night. My immunologist expressed concern about me taking phenergan every night, but I have been doing so for about 3 months now will no ill effects.
Does anyone know if there is a danger of taking this strong dose of Phenergan regularly for a long period of time?
43 Responses
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I kept taking it for a full year. I started getting worse. I then weaned myself off of it and can think clearer during the day and feel better. I don't sleep as well, but I have adjusted my life schedule to fit around it.
It still *****, but that's life. :)
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Since falling pregnant with my first child I can't sleep more than 5 hours at night. 8 years &  3 kids later nothing has changed. I have tried dvery natural sleeping aid, they dont work for me. So I used over the counter sleeping tabs, they made me groggy the next day. Then I found phnerghan . I take only 10 mg a night. It's enough to get me back to sleep when I'm woken in the night. I worry about long term side effects.... But don't see an alternate. I'm rubbish on 5 hours sleep, I hope you,  Nuclearpowerpants , continue to sleep & haven't developed side effects,
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Goodness me, that seems like far too much. If you have such dreadful trouble sleeping I might suggest that you change jobs before it ruins your health.
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I've been taking around 5 25mg phenergan a day for about 5 months I mix them with either stilnox or tezapam I work nights and don't sleep during day. I went to doctor because my hand has been shaking with tremors I also am suffering asthma like symptoms, stuffy nose, cough that won't go away, depression, anger, insomnia, restlessness and I wish I never heard about phenergan. A warning to all do not take long term!
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I started taking phenergan a couple of months ago for a skin condition I have called dermographism which makes me so incredibly itchy and when I scratch I come up in hives and red marks everywhere.
I have tried every anti-histamine out there and have become immune to them all and they no longer relieve the itching.
My doctor told me to try phenergan and since then I have been taking it every night and now I cannot sleep without it.
I thought seeming I am taking so much there must be some long term effects and when I came across this it got me worried.
There is just nothing else I can take because nothing works and I will be wide awake all night if I dont take it.
Please if you have any suggestions because my GP doesnt know alot about it and the dermatologist is too expensive to go and see on a regular basis.
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1533489 tn?1292279461
i have been on phen off and on for 5 yrs started when preg with my daughter. i was put on opiods for pain condition and the only way i could take them without throwing them up was phen. now i cannot help myself no matter what i do to gerk out my arms legs stretching my face hard tensing up whole body all day so bad i 25 and joints are going tendens in shoulders to. it hurts so bad but feel like crawing out skin if dont gerk limbs help advice anything  katy 270 791-4299
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